
General Piet Joubert and Boer soldiers, 1899

Newtown Park military camp, 1900

Fourth Contingent on parade in South Africa

British soldiers in South African War

Dead bodies on the veldt, 1900

Soldier's grave in South Africa

Packing up camp during South African War

South African War reunion dinner

Black South African women on washing day

Nurses in the field during South African War

Māori soldiers in the South African War

Celebrating Pretoria Day, 1900

Wilhelmina Sherriff Bain

Trooper Walter Stackwood on his horse, 1899

Third Contingent publication

South African War souvenir booklet

Sixth Contingent group photo, 1901

Sixth Contingent soldiers, 1901

'The Octopus', South African War publication

The Gymeric Times troopship newspaper

Soldier's horses feeding at Newtown Park, 1900

South African War art

School cadets, 1900

King Dick the peacemaker cannon, 1902

Bradford Bandolier

Lord Roberts badge

Boer War commemorative jug

Alfred Shout's binoculars

New Zealand Mounted Rifle Association trophy

Boer War housewife

Boer Mauser rifle

Portrait of Wiremu Pere

Richard Seddon

South African War medal

Troops at Campbell's farm, Karori

William Hardham VC

First Contingent leaves Karori

Departure of First Contingent

Destruction of Boer farm

Boer guerrilla fighters

New Zealand South African War nurses

Wellington Amazons during the South African War

Second Contingent parade in Wellington

Third Contingent Rough Riders

Sixth Contingent in South Africa

Thomas Taylor

Tallest and shortest men in the Rough Riders

Wellington South African War fundraiser

Langverwacht Hill memorial

Martini-Enfield 'Artillery' carbine

Women's khaki uniform

Battle of Majuba Hill

South African concentration camps

Execution of Boer prisoner

Sixth Contingent members on trek

Mounted troops round up Boer family

African scouts

George Bradford

Henry Coutts

Jacobs Siding concentration camp

'Major' - the only NZ horse to return from South Africa

Capture of Boer soldiers by cyclists

Amazon's uniform