Some New Zealand contingents produced their own newspapers and magazines. Above is the front page of the 'Gymeric Times', written by members of the Fourth Contingent on board the SS Gymeric during their passage to South Africa in April 1900. This copy belonged to Private James Mackley of No. 8 Company. Below is a transcript of the front page:
The Gymeric Times
Printed and published on board H.M. Troopship Gymeric during the voyage from New Zealand to South Africa, and
Promoted and Edited by Alf C Morton of the New Zealand Times & Mail Wellington, New Zealand. April 1900
Price 54 pence per copy
If sufficient inducement offers, it is the intention of the management to reproduce this volume in type with illustrations depicting "life on board H.M. Troopship Gymeric on the way from New Zealand to South Africa". Also photos of all the embarkation and debarkation, and many other views of interest to those on board and their friends on shore. Some additional matter unavoidably held over and a brief sketch of the circumstances which led to the inauguration & despatch of the New Zealand contingents to South Africa, together with a descriptive account of the voyage of H.M. Troopship Gymeric from beginning to end will also be added.
Orders & names of intending subscribers will be received at our office astern. Troopers desirous of presenting their friends with a "souvenir" of the greatest epoch in the history of New Zealand – nay of the British Empire! – should lose no time in securing copies, as there will probably be no time after landing. In years to come copies of "The Gymeric Times" will be highly valued by all patriotic New Zealanders.
- See full transcript of the 'Gymeric Times' here (pdf)
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