The Gallipoli campaign

All images and media


Moore-Jones' Gallipoli landscapes

Moore-Jones' Gallipoli landscapes

<em>The homecoming from Gallipoli</em>, by Walter Bowring

The homecoming from Gallipoli, by Walter Bowring

Ari Burnu Memorial, Gallipoli

Ari Burnu Memorial, Gallipoli

New Zealand Memorial at Chunuk Bair

New Zealand Memorial at Chunuk Bair

George Bollinger

George Bollinger

William Malone at Gallipoli

William Malone at Gallipoli

Turkish memorial at Gallipoli

Turkish memorial at Gallipoli

<em>Landing at Anzac, April 25, 1915</em> by Charles Dixon

Landing at Anzac, April 25, 1915 by Charles Dixon

Anzac Day landings at Gallipoli

Anzac Day landings at Gallipoli

Climbing out of Anzac Cove, 1915

Climbing out of Anzac Cove, 1915

V Beach, Cape Helles, 1915

V Beach, Cape Helles, 1915

Soldiers firing field gun at Gallipoli

Soldiers firing field gun at Gallipoli

Tent hospital at Ocean Beach, Gallipoli

Tent hospital at Ocean Beach, Gallipoli

Sniper team during Gallipoli campaign

Sniper team during Gallipoli campaign

Soldiers waiting in a trench at Gallipoli

Soldiers waiting in a trench at Gallipoli

Evacuating wounded from Anzac Cove

Evacuating wounded from Anzac Cove

<em>The evacuation of Suvla Bay</em> by Geoffrey Allfree

The evacuation of Suvla Bay by Geoffrey Allfree

Gravestone at Gallipoli

Gravestone at Gallipoli

Charles Begg

Charles Begg

Evelyn Brooke

Evelyn Brooke

Alexander Godley

Alexander Godley

Francis Twisleton

Francis Twisleton

Henare Te Wainohu

Henare Te Wainohu

Recruitment cartoon for Māori

Recruitment cartoon for Māori

Remembering Gallipoli, 1916

Remembering Gallipoli, 1916

Simpson and his donkey, Gallipoli painting

Simpson and his donkey, Gallipoli painting

First World War casualties by month

First World War casualties by month

Turtle shell from Gallipoli

Turtle shell from Gallipoli

New Zealand flag from Quinn's Post

New Zealand flag from Quinn's Post

Shrapnel-damaged bugle

Shrapnel-damaged bugle

Chunuk Bair pine cone

Chunuk Bair pine cone

Decorations and medals of Lieutenant-General Alexander Godley

Decorations and medals of Lieutenant-General Alexander Godley

Anzac Jack knife and case

Anzac Jack knife and case

Ottoman War Medal

Ottoman War Medal

NZ Medical Corps soldiers under Red Cross flag

NZ Medical Corps soldiers under Red Cross flag

Winston Churchill in 1912

Winston Churchill in 1912

Cyril Bassett VC

Cyril Bassett VC

Andrew Hamilton Russell, 1918

Andrew Hamilton Russell, 1918

Wellington Mounted Rifles on Gallipoli

Wellington Mounted Rifles on Gallipoli

Track-making on Walker's Ridge

Track-making on Walker's Ridge

The Mitchell brothers

The Mitchell brothers

NZEF in Egypt 1914-16 map

NZEF in Egypt 1914-16 map

Gallipoli invasion map

Gallipoli invasion map

Sari Bair offensive, August 1915 map

Sari Bair offensive, August 1915 map

Anzac-Suvla sectors of Gallipoli, Aug-Dec 1915

Anzac-Suvla sectors of Gallipoli, Aug-Dec 1915

Mustafa Kemal

Mustafa Kemal

Landing boats carrying New Zealand infantry

Landing boats carrying New Zealand infantry

Australian and Indian troops at Anzac Cove

Australian and Indian troops at Anzac Cove

Auckland Battalion soldiers

Auckland Battalion soldiers

Digging in on Walker's Ridge

Digging in on Walker's Ridge

New Zealand troops playing cards

New Zealand troops playing cards

Canterbury Battalion soldiers at Anzac

Canterbury Battalion soldiers at Anzac

View up Monash Valley

View up Monash Valley

New Zealand artillery at Anzac

New Zealand artillery at Anzac

Wellington Mounteds on Walker's Ridge

Wellington Mounteds on Walker's Ridge

Gallipoli armistice

Gallipoli armistice

Paul Silva

Paul Silva

Native Contingent soldiers depart Wellington

Native Contingent soldiers depart Wellington

Cyril Bassett outside Buckingham Palace

Cyril Bassett outside Buckingham Palace

<em>Maheno</em> leaves Wellington, 1915

Maheno leaves Wellington, 1915

<em>The Battle of Chunuk Bair, 8 August 1915</em>, by Ion Brown

The Battle of Chunuk Bair, 8 August 1915, by Ion Brown

Wounded during Sari Bair Offensive

Wounded during Sari Bair Offensive

Anzac troops returning to Gallipoli

Anzac troops returning to Gallipoli

Drip rifle at Gallipoli

Drip rifle at Gallipoli

Improvised bomb factory at Gallipoli

Improvised bomb factory at Gallipoli

Auckland Battalion soldiers at Gaba Tepe

Auckland Battalion soldiers at Gaba Tepe

Court martial of Jack Dunn

Court martial of Jack Dunn

Performing field surgery at Gallipoli

Performing field surgery at Gallipoli

Army issue ration biscuit

Army issue ration biscuit

View of Anzac Cove, 1915

View of Anzac Cove, 1915

SS <em>River Clyde</em> at Helles

SS River Clyde at Helles

Sinking of the <em>Bouvet</em>

Sinking of the Bouvet

Native Contingent soldiers at Outpost No. 1

Native Contingent soldiers at Outpost No. 1

Advancing near Hill 60

Advancing near Hill 60

NZ infantry uniform, 1914-15

NZ infantry uniform, 1914-15

New Zealanders captured by the Ottomans

New Zealanders captured by the Ottomans

Gallipoli telegram

Gallipoli telegram

Wellington crowd welcomes Gallipoli wounded

Wellington crowd welcomes Gallipoli wounded

Nelson welcomes home Gallipoli wounded

Nelson welcomes home Gallipoli wounded

Harry Browne describes Chunuk Bair battle

Harry Browne describes Chunuk Bair battle