
Military parade outside Parliament, 1940

Merchant Navy propaganda poster

HMS Achilles

HMS Achilles at Aotea Quay during the 1930s

HMS Achilles welcome home parade in Wellington

HMS Achilles during the Battle of the River Plate

Damaged woodwork on HMS Achilles

HMS Achilles passes wreck of Graf Spee

Achilles crew march through Auckland

Shrapnel damage to director control tower

Damage to director control tower plating

Admiral Graf Spee

The Graf Spee burns

Damage to Graf Spee

Rear-Admiral Harwood and Captain Parry

HMS Ramillies congratulates the Achilles

Lieutenant RE Washbourn

Captain Parry on bridge of the Achilles

Salvaged gun from Graf Spee

Albert Martin

Albert Martin and crewmates

Coffins from the Graf Spee

HMS Achilles in the Battle of the River Plate

The Achilles attacks the Graf Spee

Arthur Hunt and Robert Batt

Royal New Zealand Navy memorial, Devonport

The Battle of the River Plate film poster

Threat of Japanese imperialism cartoon

HMS Achilles cigarette case

Y-turret from HMS Achilles

HMS Achilles badge

Achilles complimentary travel ticket

Achilles special travel pass

HMS Achilles memorial, St Heliers