Albert Martin and crewmates

Albert Martin and some of his Achilles crewmates pictured with the Mayor of Hamilton following their triumphant return to New Zealand in February 1940.

Back Row (L to R): Harry Gould, Max Dorset, Roy Magnell, Max Larsen, Vaughan Varney, Buck Taylor, Athol Sweeney, Albert Martin, Jack Bongard.

Front Row (L to R): Bill McKenzie, Eddie Buckley, Rex Larsen, Harold Caro (Mayor of Hamilton), Petty Officer Telegraphist Bywater-Lutman, Petty Officer Writer Bywater-Lutman.

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What do you know?

james shaw

Posted: 26 Mar 2014

My farther was on the Achilles in the battle of the river plate his name is E.W.E. Shaw stoker