The Royal New Zealand Navy memorial at Devonport, Auckland.

The memorial lists the names of 352 officers and men of the Royal New Zealand Navy, Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve and Royal New Zealand Naval Vounteer Reserve who died in all parts of the world during the Second World War and who have no known grave. Most were lost or buried at sea, although the memorial also honours some who died in Japanese captivity. Almost half of those commemorated were serving on the British cruiser HMS Neptune, which sank after striking mines in the Mediterranean on 19 December 1941 - a tragedy that claimed more than 750 lives, including 150 New Zealanders.
The memorial includes the names of Able Seaman A.C.H Shaw from Rotorua and Ordinary Seaman I.W. Grant from Dunedin, who were the only New Zealanders killed during the Battle of the River Plate in December 1939.
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