
Erebus disaster map

Plane wreckage on Mt Erebus

Crash site on Mt Erebus

Air New Zealand plane fuselage on Mt Erebus

Tail of Air New Zealand plane at Mt Erebus

Recovery party accommodation, Mt Erebus

Personal effects of Erebus victims

Returning bodies of Erebus victims

Identifying Erebus victims

Page from Antarctica experience brochure

Erebus crash site map

Erebus crash site

Wreckage from Erebus disaster

Erebus disaster recovery work during blizzard

Cross on Mt Erebus

50th anniversary of Pole flight

Erebus memorials

Erebus disaster memorial at Waikumete Cemetery

Erebus disaster memorial at Auckland Airport

Erebus disaster memorial windows at St Matthew's

Erebus disaster memorial window at St Stephen's

Erebus memorial service on Antarctica in 2004

Radio contact lost with Flight TE901

Erebus flight overdue

Announcing Erebus flight out of fuel

Wreckage of Flight TE901 sighted on Erebus

Erebus flight briefing

Antarctic flights

Flight TE901 to Antarctica

Recovering the flight recorders from Erebus

Erebus victim identification in NZ

Coroner's inquest into the Erebus disaster

Psychological toll of Operation Overdue

Chippindale report into Erebus disaster

The Erebus inquiry by Peter Mahon

Recognition for role during Erebus operation

Initial Erebus memorial services

Making the Erebus memorial cross

Court action following Erebus disaster inquiry

Expressions of sympathy after Erebus disaster

Ongoing debate over Erebus

Air NZ momentum sculpture

Erebus memorial at Kihikihi

Koru capsule on Mt Erebus

How Flight TE901 got its name

First film of the Erebus disaster

Erebus disaster investigation - part 1

Erebus disaster investigation - part 2

Erebus disaster investigation - part 3

Erebus disaster investigation - part 4

Erebus disaster investigation - part 5

Erebus disaster - tourist flights

Sound clip: police at Erebus disaster

Sound clip: radio report from Erebus

Sound clip: effects of Erebus disaster on police

Craig Saxon announces Erebus flight lost

Major Gumble announces no contact with Erebus flight

Morrie Davis announces finding wreckage of Flight TE901

Bob Thomson describes wreckage on Erebus

Bob Thomson describes scene of Erebus crash

Keith Woodford describes Erebus crash scene

Erebus memorial service at Scott Base

Erebus memorial service in Wellington