The corridor lounge on the port side of the Captain Cook.
The Captain Cook brought assisted immigrants to New Zealand via the Panama Canal from 1952 to 1960. See community contributions below for more information.
Alan Cook, Nelson.
We left Glasgow in October 1957. I was 6 years old. I can still remember the smell of the coal and oil as we stood on the deck of the Captain Cook waving to people on the dock as we
set sail.
Can anyone tell me which dock we sailed from.
Donaldson Line had Yorkhill Quay as its home but some early photos show the Donaldson funnels on the other side of the river too.
I can also remember my mum being worried that dad wouldn't make it back from London in time for the sailing. We were in the shed on the quay, mum me and my two brothers aged 4 and 2.
Dad had joined the RNZAF and had to go down to London to finalise things.
I think the train brought him and a few other airforce people back to somewhere very close to the boat.
I know my mother was very relieved to see him back.
Rick Paterson
Answer to Bob Cotti....I was a crew member during that period. We were leaving Wellington light ship when we were told to proceed to Djakarta to pick up refugees who were being deported back to Holland most of us were unaware of the situation which was taking place in Indonesia at that time under President Sukarno. We really had a mixed bag of people on board. Many had been separated from loved ones and others were confused at the prospect of moving to another part of the world. We repeated this again in '58 after another run to NZ.
I arrived in Wellington nz on ss Captain Cook June 59 my name is Bob Lindsay I came with mum Carrie dad Albert and two brothers Albert and Jackie. Now live in mangere bridge auckland
For those looking for passenger lists to NZ try:
John Kennedy you are on:
Linda Donnelly
We arrived in 1957 hoping for some info from anybody
My father was 3rd mate on the TSS Captain Cook on her last two voyages in 1959 to New Zealand. I have a newspaper cutting of her leaving Glasgow on her final voyage and also a menu from the captains table. Also the ship stamp and details of the departures in my father's merchant navy discharge books. Jazz musician Campbell Burnap emigrated to New Zealand on the Captain Cook and years later my father got talking to him in the Hundred club in London. Campbell said he recognised my father and my father said it wasn't the first time in the venue, but as they chatted it transpired that he had recognised my father from the lifeboat drill on board the Captain Cook.Dad was a big jazz fan so this was quite something for him. He has written may stories of his seafaring days and I used to love listening to them. Dad is no longer with us, but his stories remain.
I was brought out to NZ by my late parents, I have been lead to believe on the Captain Cook in 1953. Can anyone tell me how I can obtain a copy of the passenger list so I can confirm my past to my grandchildren? (My parents names are Leon and Doreen Kennedy)
My wife was a young child who sailed on HMS Captain Cook from Jakarta to Amsterdam from December 1957 til January 1958 when the Dutch we're driven out of Indonesia. Does anyone remember that event? Please email me.
I came out on the Captain Cook arriving in Wellington Jan.1953 now living in Whangarei Heads and in retirement have taken up painting in watercolour after a career in professional design. would anyone care for a copy of my painting! if so please get in touch with me at the above email address.I have offered the original painting to the Maritime Museum in Auckland for possible inclusion in their immigrant exhibit at the museum pending their acceptance.
What date did the ship TSS Captain Cook arrive in Wellington having left Glasgow 21 Feb 1956?
Community contributions