Pages tagged with: shipping

HMS Philomel docked in Auckland, September 1914.
The hulk of HMNZS Philomel being towed to Coromandel in 1946.
Smaller centres like Nelson were also involved in the 1913 strike.
Mounted special constables guard the Devonport Steam Ferry Company's offices during the Auckland Waterfront Strike, November 1913.
The 1913 Great Strike was sparked off by two relatively small strikes.
Lyttelton was quiet in the first weeks of the strike, but on 18 November strike supporters invaded the wharves to stop an attempt to load ships.
Dunedin wharf scene during the 1913 strike
Special constables guard men handling cargo from the Athenic at Queen's Wharf, Wellington, during the 1913 Waterfront Strike.
The Northern Steamship Company building has been a distinctive landmark on Auckland's waterfront since 1899.
The English baroque Ferry Building at the bottom of Queen Street became Auckland's front door.
The clipper Celestial Queen arrived at Port Chalmers carrying the first shipment of live fish ova from England. These were intended to provide sport for the settlers, but none survived.
When this building was constructed in 1883, its occupant dominated the coastal and trans-Tasman shipping routes.
Ships from tiny Pātea once provided over half the port of Wellington’s dairy exports.
The Victoria Channel was dredged to make a clear path along Otago Harbour to the port of Dunedin.
This maritime relic fell victim to the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes.
The Edwin Fox, now being restored in Picton, has seen a lot of history since she was built for the East India trade in 1853.
The patent slip was Wellington's attempt to make the city a Pacific mail terminal.
Shipbuilding put down its deepest roots in Northland.
The only surviving landing service building in the southern hemisphere.
The oldest farm buildings in the country have stood facing the sea in East Otago since 1843.
