
The homecoming from Gallipoli, by Walter Bowring

Return of the Maori Pioneer Battalion, 1919

Red Cross railway carriage, 1915

Returned soldier with family

The Samoan Advance Party returns

Nurses return from Samoa

Wellington crowd welcomes Gallipoli wounded

Nelson welcomes home Gallipoli wounded

Wounded men return to Port Chalmers

'When the Boys Come Home'

Welcoming returned soldiers cartoon

New Zealand seamen welcomed home in 1917

Furlough men back from the war, 1918

Arrival of war brides in Wellington, 1919

Alcohol restrictions for returned soldiers

Rules for returned soldiers

Return of the New Zealand (Māori) Pioneer Battalion

Return of Main Body soldiers, 1919

Return of nurses to New Zealand

The death of Samuel Choate

Teirney family welcome home photograph

Kodak camera advert for returned soldiers

Red Cross train, 1915