race relations

Events In History


The Treaty in practice

  • The Treaty in practice

    Amalgamating Māori into colonial settler society was a key part of British policy in New Zealand after 1840. Economic and social change, along with land-purchase programmes, were central to this process.

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  • Page 6 – The Treaty debated

    Modern New Zealand has debated the Treaty of Waitangi as never before. Understanding, reconciliation, protest and confrontation have been part of this process.

NZ in the 19th century

NZ Race Relations

Māori and the First World War

  • Māori and the First World War

    Māori reactions to serving in the First World War largely reflected iwi experiences of British actions in the 19th century.

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  • Page 2 - White man's war?Imperial policy initially doubted the wisdom of 'native' troops fighting a 'white man's

Waitangi Day

  • Waitangi Day

    Every year on 6 February, New Zealand marks the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. For most people, Waitangi Day is a holiday; for many, and especially for Māori, it is a time for reflecting on the Treaty and its place in modern New Zealand.

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  • Page 4 – Waitangi Day 1960s

    The Waitangi Day Act 1960 declared 6 February to be Waitangi Day; a national day of thanksgiving in commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.

  • Page 5 – Waitangi Day 1970s

    Waitangi Day, a public holiday from 1974, briefly became New Zealand Day in the 1970s. Increasingly, it became a focus for Māori protest activities.

  • Page 6 – Waitangi Day 1980s

    The 1980s brought changes in the way Waitangi Day was marked officially, as well as growing Māori protest.

  • Page 7 – Waitangi Day 1990s

    In the 1990s Waitangi Day events became a focus for protests about sovereignty.

Pai Marire

  • Pai Marire

    Pai Marire (goodness and peace) was one of several Maori Christian faiths to emerge in the 19th century. Like many others, it was closely tied to issues of land and politics.

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  • Page 2 - Te Ua HaumēnePai Marire disciples travelled around the North Island in the mid-1860s. Against a backdrop of war and land confiscations, the founding principle of Pai Marire was often subverted

The Vogel era

  • The Vogel era

    In 1870, Colonial Treasurer Julius Vogel launched the most ambitious development programme in New Zealand’s history. The ‘Vogel era’ was a decisive moment in New Zealand’s 19th-century transformation from a Māori world to a Pākehā one.

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  • Page 3 - Vogel's visionIn June 1870, Vogel unveiled the most ambitious public works and assisted-immigration programme in New Zealand’s history.

Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee

  • Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee

    Queen Elizabeth II became New Zealand's monarch on 6 February 1952. In 2012 she celebrated her Diamond (60th) Jubilee, which was marked by various events around the Commonwealth.

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  • Page 4 - Māori and the QueenMāori ‘were primarily concerned to express their loyalty to the Crown and to win acceptance as New Zealand citizens.’ They were just as enthusiastic about the tour as other


  • One of the Samoan terms for Samoa's part-European population is 'afakasi. This term does not necessarily have the same negative connotations as its English translation, 'half-caste'.