The corridor lounge on the port side of the Captain Cook.
The Captain Cook brought assisted immigrants to New Zealand via the Panama Canal from 1952 to 1960. See community contributions below for more information.
Alan Cook, Nelson.
I came to NZ in February 1954 with my mother Jennie, brother Peter and sister Judy Fifield and wonder if anyone can tell me the actual date we arrived in Wellington 4th or 14th February. Thanks Irene
I was nine when my family and I left Glasgow on the Captain Cook 14 Oct 1957. We arrived in Wellington 21 Nov 1957 and then travelled to Dunedin via the Maori (Cook's Strait ferry) and the Southerner. A book has recently been published which relates to experiences of immigrants travelling by ship to NZ from 1947 to 1965 and most of these voyages were on the Cook. I believe its called 'From the other end of the World' by EK Dean. A real good read which brought back many memories like the fancy dress competition, outside movies at night and the friendliness of the ships' company.
What a surprise, I came to NZ on the Cook left Glasgow in Dec 1952. A young lady jumped overboard as her boy friend in NZ cabled to say their relationship was finished. Was invited several times to the Capt Cabin and deck. Memories all good. Ken.
My parents Derek and Rita Winterbottom, my sister Alyson and myself Diane sailed on the Captain Cook to New Zealand on her last voyage in 1959? settling in Auckland. Other passengers my parents mentioned were John and Lorna Mole, Elsie and Arthur Withy. Anyone remember these people?
My father came out from Ireland when he was 17yrs on his own in 1952 arriving in Wellington Sep 24 1952. He would love any photos. Joanne Kennedy
We left Glasgow 26 or 27th Sept 1959 and arrived Wellington 1 November via Curacao and Panama. I went to ChCh via Lyttleton on the overnight ferry and stayed at The Hansen's Lane Hostel in Riccarton. I would dearly like to contact Jimmy Adams, Len Rust, Jimmy Murray, Jack Murphy, Neil Franklin and Alan and Marion who were dear friends and I have not seen them since August 1960 when I came to the North Island to work at Waiouru at the RNZN Radio Station. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of any of the names mentioned I would be forever grateful. A Kiwi now for 54 years and never regretted it.
I'm looking to contact Jim Henderson who posted on here 14 September 2010. My Gran Agnes was James Henderson's sister. She died 1n 2003. If anyone can help please my email address is [email protected]. Thanks Simon
My parents, John and Teresa, sailed on the 'Captain Cook' in October 1957 on assisted passages the day after their postponed wedding! What an adventure for newly weds! They settled in Wellington but only for the minimum 2 years as my mum was terribly homesick and in those days you couldn't just pop home by plane or putting the fare on the 'plastic'. I was born in 1959 and at the age of 6 weeks I left my land of birth on the SS Southern Cross. My parents kept a lot of memorabilia from the ships and shared happy memories of their round the world trip. One day soon I'll make it back to NZ - but by plane as, although by the time we arrived at Southampton I'd spent half my life at sea, I do suffer from sea sickness! Much like the lady my mum told me about who didn't leave her cabin throughout the outward passage to NZ. I hope she did settle in NZ better than my parents as there was no going back!
I was a small passenger on the TSS Captain Cook which left Glasgow on 9 December 1952 and arrived in New Zealand on 15 January 1953. As I was quite young at the time, I have no personal memories, However my parents (Pam and John White) were able to provide a lot of information. It was the measles which broke out among the children on the boat, but both my brother and I passed a quarantine check on docking - only to go down with the illness a few days later.
I came to NZ on the Captain Cook landing in Wellington in November 1958 I gave ballroom dancing lessons during the voyage. I started life in NZ in Tokoroa and moved to Taupo in 1959 and still here after 54 years. Anyone else who was on that voyage please make contact?
Community contributions