Te Moanaroa (also known as Te Amoahanga and Amoanaroa) of Waingaroa or Raglan Harbour (left), with Te Awaitaia or William Naylor, 1844. Both men are described as chiefs of Waikato.
Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference: PUBL-0014-05
Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa, must be obtained before any re-use of this image.
kiaora Riki, I am your Aunty. Your Koro William is my Dads Cousin, your Nanny is Laura which makes her my aunt. I also know your mum Pania, she is my cousin. My grandmother, Miriama Moanaroa was your Koko Naes sister. The only female in their whanau. Miriama was my Dads mother. My dad, Richard, and Uncle Rauna are brothers.
Avice, kiaora, I am closely related to you on both the Moanaroa and Simon side. I know Rangikaahu. Tahinga was an Iwi, not a Hapu. Moanaroa and Turiwhati were brothers. Ben Rupapere, his daughter Rangi married a Gilgen. Hence David Gilgen. Rangi is with the Mormon Church.
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