Reporting the Daniel Cooper baby farmer case
Execution of Minnie Dean
Reports of the Minnie Dean case
Minnie Dean
Karitane nurses and babies in 1929
Plunket nurse weighing a baby
Mary Aubert
Home of Compassion Crèche
Truby King at Karitane Hospital, Wellington
Dunedin crèche proposal, 1879
Grey Street Crèche
Women's National Reserve Residential Nursery
Children at Citizens Day Nursery
Wellington Railway Station crèche
Wellington crèche report, 1903
Mother Aubert fundraising fête, 1910
Home of Compassion Crèche, 1930s
Plans for Home of Compassion Crèche
Elsie Locke
Child's play
Home of Compassion, Island Bay
Plunket Society baby booklet
New Zealand Tablet cover, 1959