
New Plymouth under siege, 1860

Painting of Te Aro pa, 1847

James Crowe Richmond

Wiremu Kīngi Te Rangitāke

Taranaki Volunteers flag

Fitzroy pole in New Plymouth

New Plymouth in 1857

Cross marking scene of the Puketapu feud

Site of Te Kohia pā

Wiremu Kingi letter to the Governor

First victim of the Taranaki War

View from Kaipopo pa site

Scene from battle of Waireka

Sketch of battle of Waireka

Thomas Millard grave

William Odgers' VC

Taranaki Volunteers NZ Wars memorial

Camp Waitara painting

Puketakauere battle scene today

Jane Maria Atkinson

Disease in New Plymouth

Huirangi cross

Mahoetahi NZ Wars memorial cross

Taranaki War map 1860-61

Mahoetahi NZ Wars memorial grave

Sap at Te Ārei today

Te Ārei grave

Fort St George sign

Reaction to Māori burials in New Plymouth

The policy of war cartoon

Māori at gates of New Plymouth cartoon

Taranaki Punch

Missionary protection of Māori cartoon

Puketakauere NZ Wars memorial