
Turkish air raid on 3rd Camel Battalion at Sheikh Nuran

Group of Ottoman prisoners

Arthur Richard Fitzherbert

Wellington Mounted Rifles in Jaffa

Major-General Edward Chaytor

Hotchkiss machine gun

HMLS Kia Ora

Dead horses by the River Jordan

Destroyed British tank at Gaza

New Zealand machine gunners in action

Ottoman casualties at Gaza

Ottoman infantry in the hills of Palestine

Ottoman Army heliograph

German airfield at Huj

Lieutenant-General Sir Edmund Allenby

Damaged mosque in Gaza

Gurkhas in Palestine

Indian lancers enter Haifa

Jerusalem surrender party

General Chauvel rides through Damascus

Arab forces enter Damascus

British infantry on the march

Hotchkiss light machine gun

Lewis light machine gun

Palestine campaign map

Anzac Mounted Division on the charge

Watering horses during dust storm

Palestine campaign 1917-18 map