Prime Minister Helen Clark at Waitangi
Richard Seddon asleep during committee
Edward Jerningham Wakefield
Charles Clifford
Elizabeth McCombs
Apirana Ngata
Playing pool in the parliamentary Members' lounge
Parliamentary car, 1905
John McLachlan, MP
Mete Kīngi Paetahi
James Carroll
Mud-bound parliamentarians, 1917
The parliamentary press gallery, 1906
The Black Rod at the opening of Parliament
Edward Mayne, Sergeant-at-Arms, 1861
Francis Campbell
Television broadcasting of Parliament
Working in the House of Representatives
Michael Joseph Savage's funeral
The parliamentary librarian, Ewen McColl
Maori-language Hansard
MPs talking hot air in Parliament cartoon, 1935
Caricature of MP Vincent Pyke
Cartoon of drunk MP, 1856
Daylight saving cartoon, 1911
Women in Parliament cartoon, 1933
MPs' perks cartoon, 1893
Robert Stout pontificating cartoon, 1893
Parliamentary cartoon, 1929
Tom Scott parliamentary cartoon, 1992
The lobby in the House of Representatives
Henare Kaihau
Meri Te Tai Mangakāhia
Harry Holland in 1922
Portrait of Wiremu Pere
Charles Wilson
Richard Seddon and his cabinet, 1906
Robert Stout painting
William Pember Reeves
Christopher William Richmond
John Logan Campbell
John McKenzie
Film: Hansard reporters at work
1911 film of electioneering in Wellington
Interview with Prime Minister Keith Holyoake, 1963
Film showing scenes from the 1954 election
Labour Party TV commercial, 1969
Pāpāwai, the Māori capital - roadside stories
Seddon and Ward, premier towns - roadside stories
Sound: the Opposition whip
Poem: 'The game of politics'
Sound: parliamentary Members and staff
Sound: social life in Parliament
Sound: parliamentary humour
Sound: transport for MPs
Sound: the Clerk of the House of Representatives
The ladies' gallery at Parliament
Parliamentary poem: 'The gallery boys'
Parliamentary poem: 'Breach of privilege'
First radio broadcast of Parliament
Sound: the lobby at Parliament
Sound: te reo in the House of Representatives
Sound clip: the 'Parliament Special' train