Māori language by region (map)

Percentage of Māori with the ability to converse in the Māori language (te reo Māori), by region.

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3 comments have been posted about Māori language by region (map)

What do you know?


Posted: 07 Aug 2013

I recently visited Christchurch and have been trying to get a translation for 'Te Pou Herenga Waka' which appears beside the totem outside Christchurch Council Offices. Can you help please?
Many thanks


Posted: 06 Feb 2009

Thank goodness for those who retained 'te reo Māori' in their iwi areas. Kia ora koutou ngā kuia ngā koroua, ngā mea kaha ki te pupuri i te mauri o 'te reo'. No reira, it is obvious by the information of the map, that where there is a huge population of Māori, the language flourishes. This is not to say that everything is fine, because it is not. Our people now need to move into a mode of 'rapua te mea ngaro', - 'look for what is lost'. With the help of the Māori speaking academics, the native speakers, trained and educated teachers of Māori, we can uplift the statistics to a level higher every year. Thanks to those tireless workers in Parliament today and yesterday, who believed in the kaupapa of retention of our cultural history and language as a people.


Posted: 28 Jul 2008

some people dident like to speak maori and if they did a long time ago they would ge punished