upper hutt


NZ's First World War horses

  • NZ's First World War horses

    Between 1914 and 1916 the New Zealand government acquired more than 10,000 horses to equip the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. They served in German Samoa, Gallipoli, the Middle East and on the Western Front. Of those that survived the war, only four returned home.

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  • Page 2 - Acquiring horses for warBetween 1914 and 1916 the New Zealand government acquired more than 10,000 horses to equip the New Zealand Expeditionary

War in Wellington

  • War in Wellington

    In 1846 fighting broke out in the Wellington region as the Ngāti Toa chief Te Rangihaeata backed local Maori opposed to European settlement in the Hutt Valley. The campaign claimed few lives and Ngāti Toa resistance in the region was effectively ended as a result.

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  • Page 4 – A line in the bush

    William Spain and the Ngāti Tama chief Te Kāeaea sought to mark a boundary between European and Māori land in the Hutt Valley.

  • Page 5 – An escalation of violence

    In autumn 1846 fighting broke out in the Hutt Valley, most notably at Boulcott's Farm.