lower hutt


War in Wellington

  • War in Wellington

    In 1846 fighting broke out in the Wellington region as the Ngāti Toa chief Te Rangihaeata backed local Maori opposed to European settlement in the Hutt Valley. The campaign claimed few lives and Ngāti Toa resistance in the region was effectively ended as a result.

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  • Page 4 – A line in the bush

    William Spain and the Ngāti Tama chief Te Kāeaea sought to mark a boundary between European and Māori land in the Hutt Valley.

  • Page 5 – An escalation of violence

    In autumn 1846 fighting broke out in the Hutt Valley, most notably at Boulcott's Farm.

The southern basin of the Hutt Valley, north of Wellington city. During the 20th century, Petone, Alicetown and the state-housing suburbs grew largely as working-class communities. Affluent residents clustered around leafy Woburn and Eastbourne. From the 1960s, middle-class home buyers headed for Maungaraki and the western hill suburbs.

Meaning of place name
Named after the Hutt River. Sir William Hutt, MP, was a director of the New Zealand Company.