Personal details
Full Name:
- Maud Ruby Basham
- 30 Aug 1879–14 Jul 1963

Maud Basham, also known as Aunt Daisy, was famous as the host of a radio show focused on domesticity. Upon the success of the broadcasts, she wrote accompanying cook books, and was awarded an MBE in 1956.
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Food in the 20th century
The pavlova - that frothy, baked confection of egg whites and sugar - has long been seen as an icon of New Zealand cuisine; its place of origin has been debated with Australians for just as long in one of the many instances of trans-Tasman rivalry.
Page 4 – Tea and coffee break
Tea was a 'great mainstay' of 'thirsty colonial New Zealand', the food historian Tony Simpson claims.
Main image: Maud Basham
Maud Basham, also known as Aunt Daisy, was famous as the host of a radio show focused on domesticity