declaration of independence

Events In History


Treaty timeline

The Treaty in brief

  • The Treaty in brief

    The Treaty of Waitangi is New Zealand’s founding document. It takes its name from the place in the Bay of Islands where it was first signed, on 6 February 1840. The Treaty is an agreement, in Māori and English, that was made between the British Crown and about 540 Māori rangatira (chiefs).

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  • Page 2 - Treaty FAQsAnswers to some common questions about the Treaty of

Taming the frontier

  • Taming the frontier

    In 1832 James Busby was appointed as the official British Resident to New Zealand. After arriving in the Bay of Islands in May 1833 he took steps to tame what he saw as a chaotic frontier society.

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  • Page 4 - Declaration of IndependenceAt a hui (meeting) at Waitangi on 28 October 1835 called by James Busby, 34 northern chiefs who were to become known as the Confederation of United Tribes signed 'A Declaration of


  • Colenso, William

    Colenso arrived at the Bay of Islands as the Church Mission printer in December 1834. His achievements include printing the New Testamont in Māori and the Māori version of the Treaty of Waitangi.


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