Personal details
Full Name:
- George Gipps
- 1791–1847
George Gipps was governor of New South Wales at a time when New Zealand land was included in the boundaries of New South Wales.
Read more...Events In History
16 November 1840NZ officially becomes British colony
New Zealand became a separate colony of the United Kingdom. North, South and Stewart islands were to be known respectively as the provinces of New Ulster, New Munster and New Leinster. Read more...
Governors and Governors-General
New Zealand has had 16 resident governors and 20 Governors-General. Two early governors were called governor-in-chief.
- Page 1 - Governors and governors-generalNew Zealand has had 16 resident governors and 20 Governors-General. Two early governors were called
Treaty timeline
See some of the key events between 1800 and 1849 relating to the Treaty of Waitangi.
- Page 1 - Treaty events 1800-49See some of the key events between 1800 and 1849 relating to the Treaty of Waitangi.
History of the Governor-General
New Zealand has had a governor or (from 1917) a Governor-General since 1840. The work of these men and women has reflected the constitutional and political history of New Zealand in many ways.
- Page 3 - Crown colony eraNew Zealand became a British colony in 1840, legitimised by the Treaty of Waitangi and Lieutenant-Governor William Hobson's declaration of 21 May declaring sovereignty over the
Main image: Governor George Gipps
Portrait of Sir George Gipps, Governor of New South Wales, circa 1847.