Māori Language Week

Page 5 – 1000 Māori place names

For each Māori place name in the table below we’ve provided a translation of its component parts and its overall meaning.

Components of place names; pronunciation guide

Audio recordings of some common components of place names to aid pronunciation:

  • Au current
  • Awa river
  • Iti small, little
  • Kai  food
  • Mānia plain
  • Manga stream
  • Maunga mountain
  • Moana sea, or large inland ‘sea’, e.g., Taupō
  • Motu island
  • Nui large, big
  • Ō or o means ‘of’ (so does a, ā); many names begin with Ō, meaning the place of so-and-so, e.g., Ōkahukura, Ōkiwi, Ōhau
  • One sand, earth
  • Pae ridge, range
  • Papa flat
  • Poto short
  • Puke hill
  • Roa long
  • Roto lake; inside
  • Tai coast, tide
  • Wai water
  • Whanga harbour, bay

We also recommend Hugh Young’s oral dictionary of Māori place names, Ngā Ingoa o Aotearoa. Audio of some of these places can be found on our Māori word a day page.

1000 Māori place names

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Place name



Ahuroaahu: mound; roa: longLong mound
Aoroaao: cloud; roa: longLong cloud
Aotearoaao: cloud; tea: white; roa: longLand of the long white cloud
Aramoanaara: path; moana: seaSea pathway
Aranuiara: path; nui: greatGreat pathway
Arapaeara: path; pae: ridgewayPathway along the ridge
Arapitoara: path; pito: end or extremityEnd of the path
Arapōhueara: path; pōhue: climbing plantPath of the climbing plant
Arapuniara: path; puni: blocked or coveredBlocked path
Ararātāara: path; rātā: native treeRātā tree path
Ararimuara: path; rimu: native treeRimu tree path
Araruaara: path; rua: twoTwo paths
Aratahaara: path; taha: sideSide path
Aratapuara: path; tapu: sacred or restrictedSacred path
Aratiatia Lakes, Aratiatia Rapidsara: path; tiatia: pegsPegged ladder
Aratikaara: path; tika: correct or straightDirect path
Aratoroara: path; toro: discoverPath of discovery
Aropaonuiaro: kidney fat; paoa: to bashBashed kidney fat
Aukatiau: line; kati: blockFrontier
Auripoau: current; ripo: whirlpool, or eddyingEddying current
Auroaau: cloud or mist; roa: longLong cloud
Awaawa: riverRiver
Awahōhonu Riverawa: river; hōhonu: deepDeep river
Awahōuawa: river; hōu: newNew river
Awaitiawa: river; iti: littleLittle river
Awa-kāeaeaawa: valley or stream; kāeaea: the sparrow-hawkSparrow-hawk stream
Awakeriawa: river; keri: digDitch or trench
Awakinoawa: river; kino: bad, evil, or of bad appearanceBad creek
Awamanguawa: river; mangu: blackBlack river
Awamarinoawa: stream; marino: calmCalm stream
Awamoanaawa: stream; moana: seaSea stream
Awamokoawa: stream; moko: lizardLizard stream
Awanuiawa: river; nui: largeLarge river
Awapikopikoawa: stream; pikopiko: winding aboutWinding stream
Awapuniawa: stream; puni: blocked upBlocked-up river
Awarereawa: stream; rere: to flowFlowing stream
Awarikiawa: river; riki: smallLittle river
Awaroaawa: river or valley; roa: longLong river
Awaruaawa: stream or river; rua: twoTwo streams
Awatere Riverawa: river; tere: swiftSwift river
Awatoitoiawa: stream; toitoi: giant bully Giant bully stream
Awatōtōawa: stream; tōtō: hauling placeStream for hauling (canoes)
Awatunaawa: stream; tuna: eelEel stream
Eketāhunaeke: run aground or land; tāhuna: sandbankLand on the sandbank
EpihaMāori form of biblical name EphesusEphesus
Eruae: used before cardinal numbers from two to nine; rua: twoTwo
Hāpua-waikawahāpua: pool; wai: water; kawa: bitterPool of bitter water
Haumoanahau: wind; moana: seaSea breeze
Haunuihau: wind; nui: big or manyStrong wind
Hiwinuihiwi: ridge; nui: bigBig ridge
Hokanuihoka: projecting sharply upwards; nui: largeLarge projection
Houipapahoui: lacebark; papa: flatRibbonwood flat
Houpotohou: feathers; poto: shortShort feathers
Hukanuihuka: foam, frost or snow; nui: bigHeavy snow
Hukerenuihukere: cascade; nui: largeLarge cascade
Hurimoanahuri: to overflow; moana: oceanOverflowing ocean
Ihumātaoihu: nose; mātao: coldCold nose
Ihumoana ihu: nose; moana: seaNose into the sea
Ikawaiika: fish; wai: water

Waters of fish

Kā PukehoreA descriptive name, kā (ngā): the; puke: hill; hore: bare (the peaks were bare of vegetation)The bare hills
Kā Pukemāeroerokā (ngā): the; puke: hill; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forestsThe hill of ogres
Kaharoakaha: net; roa: longLarge net
Kaiatakai: to eat: ata: early morningEating in the morning
Kaiauakai: to eat; aua: mullet or herringsEating mullets
Kai-Hau-o-Kupekai: to eat; hau: wind; o: of; KupeThe place where Kupe ‘ate wind’
Kaihikukai: te eat; hiku: tail of a fishEating a fish tail
Kaihinukai: food; hinu: fatFood preserved in fat
KaihuAn abbreviation of kai-hu-a-Ihenga, kai: to eat; hu: secretly; a: of; IhengaEat secretly
Kaikaraekai: food; karae: seabirdEat a seabird
Kaikōurakai: to eat; koura: crayfishEat crayfish
Kaikūmera Baykai: to eat; kūmera (alternate spelling of kūmara): sweet potatoEat kūmara
Kaimāīkai: food or to eat; māī: mussels, or slightly fermented foodEat fermented food
Kaimamakukai: food or to eat; mamaku: edible tree-fernEat edible tree-fern
Kaimanawa Mountainskai: food or to eat; manawa: breath (also meaning heart or emotion)Breath for food
Kaimangōkai: food or to eat; mangō: sharkEating shark
Kaimatakaimata: unripe or uncooked foodEat raw food
Kaimātaitaikai: food; mātaitai: saltyEat seafood
Kaimaumaukai: food; maumau: to wasteEat food
Kaimirokai: food or to eat; miro: a treeEat miro berries
Kainamukai: to eat; namu: sandfliesEat sandflies
Kāingaroakāinga: area of land; roa: longLong area of land
Kāingaroa PlainKāinga: place where food has been cooked and eaten; roa: longLong meal
Kaipākirikirikai: food; pākirikiri: rock codEating rock cod
Kaipara Flatskai: te eat; para: fern-rootEat fern-root
Kaiparorokai: to eat; paroro: bad weatherEating up bad weather
Kaipō Baykai: to eat; pō: nightEat night
Kaipukekai: to eat; puke: swell, floodShip (wave eater)
Kaipūpūkai: food; pūpū: shellfishEat shellfish
Kairākaukai: to eat; rākau: wood.Eat wood
Kairakikai: eat; raki (South Island form of rangi); sky Sky eater
Kairarakai: food; rara: to be spread out on a stage for drying in the sunFood spread out on a stage to dry
Kairuakai: food; rua: pitFood pit
KaitakataSouth Island variant of Kaitangata – kai: to eat; tangata: manMan eater (South Island form)
Kaitangatakai: to eat; tangata: manMan eater
Kaitangiwekakai: food; tangi: to cry; weka: wood henCrying of the weka for food
Kaitapehakai: to eat; tapeha: rind or skinEat the rind
Kaitawakai: food; tawa: tree or berriesEat tawa berries
Kaitiekekai: to eat; tieke: the saddleback birdEat the saddleback bird
Kaitokekai: to eat, or food; take: wormEat worms
Kaitokikai: food; toki: adzeFood for the adze
Kaitunakai: to eat; tuna: eelEat eels
Kai-waha-onepūkai: food; waha: mouth; onepū: sandBiting the sand
Kaiwakakai: to eat; waka: canoeEating the canoes
Kaiwerakai: food; wera: hotHot food
Kaiwharawharakai: food or to eat; wharawhara: the fruit of the asteliaEat the fruit of the astelia
Kakīroakakī: neck or throat; roa: largeLong neck
Kararoakara: this word has many meanings, one of which is old man; roa: tallTall elderly man
Kauroakau: to swim; roa: longLong swim
Kereonekere: earth; one: sand or sandySandy earth
Kererūkererū: wood pigeonWood pigeon
Keteketerauketekete: click the tongue; rau: many timesClick the tongue repeatedly
Ketetahi springsKete: basket; tahi: oneOne spring
Kihikihikihikihi: cicadaCicada
Kihitūkihi: to strip off; tū: girdle or belt to which a maro (loincloth) was attachedStrip off the girdle
Kioreroakiore: native rat; roa: longLong rat
Kirkiriroakirikiri: gravel; roa: longLong gravel
Kiwinuikiwi: bird; nui: manyMany kiwi birds
Kōhīnuikōhī: dark mud (used in dyeing), heavy rain, skeleton, youth, etc.; nui: large, many or plentyPlenty of dark mud
KohukohunuiLit: kohukohu: mist; nui: big or manyGreat mist
Kōpūtaikōpū: full; tai: tideFull tide
Kōputaroakōputa: snare for catching parakeets; roa: longLong snare for catching parakeets
Kōpūwaikōpū: belly or full; wai: waterWater swallower
Korakonuikorako: albino; nui: bigLarge albino (bird)
Kororārekakororā: blue penguin; reka: sweet or tastyTasty blue penguin
Kōtukukōku: white heronWhite heron
Kōtuku-moanakōtuku: white heron; moana: lakeLake of white herons
Kōuraraukōura: crayfish; rau: manyMany crayfish
Koutunuikoutu: headland; nui: largeLarge headland
Kumeroakume: to pull; roa: longLong drag
Kuranuikura: red; nui: large red birdsBig red (birds)
Makakahikatoamaka: strike; kahikatoa: red mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium) or more probably a weapon made from this woodStriking with mānuka stick
Makarānuimakarā: to come and go; nui: manyMuch coming and going
Mākikihima: stream; kikihi: cicada (Amphipsalta cingulata)Cicada stream
Mākirikirima: stream: kirikiri: gravelGravelly stream
Mākōhine Valleymā: stream; kōhine: girlYoung woman's stream
Mākōtukumā: stream; kōtuku: white heronWhite heron stream
MākōwhaiMā: stream; kōwhai: treeKōwhai tree stream
Mākurīmā: stream; kurī: dogDog stream
Māmāranuimā: stream; māra: farm or cultivation; nui: large or manyStream for many gardens
Manaroamana: power or prestige; roa: great or longEnduring prestige
Mangaharakekemanga: stream; harakeke: flax bushStream of flax
Mangahoemanga: stream; hoe: canoe paddleStream of canoe paddles
Mangahouhounui Streammanga: stream; houhou: five-finger tree; nui: large or manyStream of many five finger trees
Mangaitimanga: stream; iti: tinySmall stream
Mangakāhiamanga: stream; kāhia or kōhia: native passion vineStream of New Zealand passionfruit
Mangakinomanga: stream; kino: bad, usless or stagnantStagnant stream
Mangakuramanga: stream; kura: red or red ochreStream of red ochre
Mangamāhoemanga: stream; māhoe: native tree, whiteywood (Melicytus ramiflorus)Māhoe stream
Mangamahumanga: stream; mahu: gentleGentle stream
Mangamairemanga: stream; maire: native treeMaire stream
Mangamukamanga: stream; muka: the furled shoot of the nīkau palmStream of the furled shoot of the nīkau palm
Mangamutumanga: stream; mutu: finishedFinished stream
Mangangarongaro: Mangangarongaro Streammanga: stream; ngarongaro: somewhat abatedAbated stream
Manganui-a-te-Aomanga: stream; nui: great; a: of; te: the; ao: worldGreat stream of the world
Mangaohaemanga: stream o: of; HaeThe stream of Hae
Mangaohutumanga: stream; o: of; HutuThe stream of Hutu
Mangaonohomanga: stream; o: of; NohoThe stream of Noho
Mangaorapamanga: stream; o: of; RapaThe stream of Rapa
Mangaoremanga: stream; ore: to poke with a stick, or to bore a holeThe stream where a hole was bored
Mangaotakimanga: stream; o: of; taki: oratory or to make a speech Stream of oratory
Mangaowera: Mangaowera Streammanga: stream; o: of; WeraThe stream of Wera
Mangapaimanga: stream; pai: goodGood stream
Mangapēhimanga: stream; pēhi: troubledStream of trouble
Mangapikomanga: stream; piko: bent or crookedWinding stream
Mangapōurimanga: stream; pōuri: darkDark stream
Mangapumanga: stream; pū: doubleDouble stream
Mangapuakamanga: stream ; puaka: bird snare or rimu treeBird snare stream
Mangapūruamanga: stream; pūrua: abundant or plentyAbundant stream
Mangarakaumanga: stream; rākau: treeStream of trees
Mangaramaramamanga: stream; ramarama: native shrubStream of the ramarama shrub
Mangarapamanga: stream; rapa: broad or spread outBroad stream
Mangarātāmanga: stream; rata: native treeRātā stream
Mangarawamanga: stream; rawa: swampSwampy stream
Mangarimumanga: stream; rimu: native treeRimu stream
Mangaroamanga: stream; roa: longLong stream
Mangatahimanga: stream; tahi: singleSingle stream
Mangatainokamanga: stream; tainoka: native broomNative broom stream
Mangatangimanga: stream; tangi: weeping or soundingStream of weeping
Mangatapumanga: stream; tapu: sacred or forbiddenSacred stream
Mangataratamanga: stream; tarata: native tree known as lemonwoodLemonwood stream
Mangatāwhirimanga: stream; tāwhiri: native treeTāwhiri tree stream
Mangateamanga: stream; tea: white or clearClear stream
Mangateparumanga: stream; te: the paru: mud, dirt, dirty or deepStream of mud
Mangatepopomanga: stream; te: the; popo: anything rotten or decayedStream of rotten items
Mangatereteremanga: stream; teretere: swiftly flowingSwiftly flowing river
Mangatīmanga: stream; tī: cabbage treeCabbage-tree stream
Mangatinamanga: stream; tina: exhaustedExhausted at the stream
Mangatoetoemanga: stream; toetoe: native grassToetoe stream
Mangatunamanga: stream; tuna: eelEel stream
Mangawaramanga: stream; wara: to make an indistinct soundQuiet stream
Mangaweka:manga: stream; weka: wood-henWeka stream
Mangawhatamanga: stream; whata: a raised storehouse for foodRaised storehouse stream
Mangawheromanga: stream; whero: redRed stream
Mangōnuimangō: shark; nui: large or manyGreat shark
Mānia-rauheamānia: plain of flat land; rauhea: tussock grassPlain of shining tussock
Māniatotomānia: plain; o: of; toto: bloodPlain of blood
Māniatutumānia: plain; tutu: a native treeTutu-tree plain
Mānuimā: stream; nui: largeLarge stream
Maraenuimarae: courtyard or meeting area; nui: largeGreat marae
Maraeroamarae: courtyard or meeting area; roa: longLong marae
Maraetaimarae: courtyard or meeting area; tai: coastCoastal marae
Māraroamāra: cultivated area; roa: long, long lastingLong lasting cultivations
Matakanuimata: face; ka: blow or scar; nui: largeScarred face of a large cliff
Mataroamata: headland or bluff; roa: longLong headland
Maunga Māmaunga: mountain; mā: whiteWhite mountain
Maunga-atuamaunga: mountain; atua: godsMountain of the gods
Maungaharurumaunga: mountain; haruru: to rumbleRumbling mountain
Maungahaumimaunga: mountain; haumi: timber to lengthen or raise the sides of a canoeMountain of canoe timber
Maungakarameamaunga: mountain; karamea: red ochre or speargrassRed ochre mountain
Maungakiekiemaunga: mountain; kiekie: a climbing plantKiekie plant mountain
Maunganuimaunga: mountain; nui: tall or largeLarge mountain
Maungapōhatumaunga: mountain; pōhatu: rock or stoneRocky mountain
Maungarakimaunga: mountain or mountains; raki: northNorthern mountain
Maungaroamaunga: mountain; roa: longLong mountain
Maungataketakemaunga: mountain; taketake: base, long-established or well-foundedBroad mountain
Maungataniwhamaunga: mountain; taniwha: supernatural creatureTaniwha mountain
Maungatāperemaunga: mountain; tāpere: red, volcanic earthMountain of red volcanic earth
Maungatapumaunga: mountain; tapu: sacred or forbiddenSacred mountain
Maungatautarimaunga: mountain; tautari: an upright stickMountain of the upright stick
Maungatīmaunga: mountain; tī: cabbage treeCabbage tree mountain
Maungatuamaunga: mountain; a: of; atua: godMountain of the gods
Maungatūrotomaunga: mountain; tū: to stand; roto: lakeMountain standing up in lagoons
Maungaweramaunga: mountain; wera: burnt or hotBurnt mountain
Maungawhaumaunga: mountain; whau: a native treeWhau tree mountain
MāwheranuiMāwhera: open, widesread; nui: large (referring particularly to the river mouth).Broad and widespread (river mouth)
Mititaimiti: to lick; tai: tideLick the tide
MoanaOcean or large lakeOcean
Moanaririmoana: sea; riri: to be angry or to fightAngry sea
Moanaroamoana: ocean; roa: large or broadBroad sea
Moanawhenuapōurimoana: sea; whenua: land; pōuri: sad or darkSombre arm of the sea
Moeroamoe: to sleep; roa: longLong sleep
Mōkihinuimōkihi: raft made of flax stalks; nui: largeLarge flax-stalk raft
Mokoroamoko: tattoo; roa: longLong tattoo
Mokoroa: Mokoroa Streammoko: lizard; roa; longLong lizard
Motuara: Motuara Islandmotu: island; ara: pathIsland in the path (of a canoe)
Motuarohia: Motuarohia Islandmotu:island; arohia: reconnoitredReconnoitred island
Motukairangimotu: island; kairangi: wonderful, chief, or wanderingWonderful island
Motukarakamotu: clump of trees; karaka: native treeClump of karaka trees
MotukāranuiMotu: island; karā: basalt; nui: largeIsland of large basalt stone
Motukauatiitimotu: grove of trees; kauati: rubbing stick for firemaking; iti: littleLittle clump of trees used for fire sticks
Motukauatirahimotu: grove of trees; kauati: rubbing stick for firemaking; rahi: largeLarge clump of trees used for fire sticks
Motukauri: Motukauri Islandmotu: island; kauri: native treeClump of kauri trees
Motukiekiemotu: island; kiekie: a native plantKiekie island
Motukinamotu: island or isolated headland; kina: sea urchinKina island
Motukioremotu: island; kiore: native ratRat island
Motukokopumotu: island; kokopu: cockabully fishCockabully island
Motumāhangamotu: island; māhanga: twinTwin islands
Motumairemotu: island; maire: native treeMaire island
Motumaohomotu: clump of trees; maoho: to intrudeIntruding clump of trees
Motunaumotu: island; nau: scurvy grassScurvy grass island
Motungāraramotu: island; ngārara: lizardLizard island
Motunuimotu: island; nui: largeLarge island
Motuoapamotu: island or grove of trees; o: of; ApaGrove of trees belonging to Apa
Motu-o-Kuramotu: island; o: of; KuraIsland of Kura
Motuopuhi: Motuopuhi Islandmotu: island; o: of; PuhiIsland of Puhi
Motuoroi: Motuoroi Islandmotu: island; o: of; RoiIsland of Roi
Motuotaraiamotu: isolated area; o: of; TaraiaIsolated area of Taraia
Motupipimotu: island; pipi: common edible shellfishPipi island
Motupiumotu: island; piu: to swingSwinging island
Moturoamotu: island; roa: longLong island
Motutaikomotu: island; taiko: petrelIsland of the black petrel
Motutapu: Motutapu Islandmotu: island; tapu: sacred or forbiddenSacred island
Motutara: Motutara Islandmotu: island; tara: gullGull island
Motutawamotu: island; tawa: a treeTawa tree island
Motuteremotu: island; tere: to floatFloating island
Muritaimuri: breeze; tai: sea or tideSea breeze
Muriwaimuri: end; wai: waterWaters’ end
Ngākawaungā: the; kauwau: shagsThe shags
Ngāmatapōuringā: the; matapōuri: black tealThe black teals
Ngāmokongā: the; moko: lizardsThe lizards
Ngāmotungā: the; motu: islandsThe islands
Ngāpōhatungā: the; pōhatu: rocksThe rocks
Ngāpuhingā: the; puhi: plumesThe plumes
Ngāpunangā; the; puna: springsThe springs
Ngārimu Bayngā: the; rimu: native treeThe rimu trees
Ngāromanga: the; roma: currentsThe currents
Ngaionuingaio: a native tree; nui: large or manyGreat ngaio tree
Ngāpukengā: the; puke: hillsThe hills
Ngārotongā: the; roto: lakesThe lakes
Ngātirangā; the; tira: parties of travellersThe parties of travellers
Ngātukungā: the; tuku: ridges of a hillThe ridges of a hill
Ngāūrangangā: the; ūranga: landing place for canoesThe landing place for canoes
Ngāurukehungā: the; urukehu: red-haired, fair-skinned MāoriThe red-haired, fair-skinned Māori
Ngāwakangā: the; waka: canoesThe canoes
Ngāwarongā: the; waro: burning coalsThe burning coals
Ngāwhāngāwhā: hot springsThe hot springs
Ngāwhatungā: the; whatu: eyesThe eyes
Ngāwīngā: the; wī: native tussock grassThe native tussock grass
Ngutunuingutu: lip; nui: bigBig lips
Nukumānianuku: wide extent; mānia: plainsWide plains
Nukuroanuku: to move; roa: longLong travles
Ōamaruō: place; a: of; MaruThe place of Maru
Ōaonuiō: place of; ao: clouds: nui: manyPlace of many clouds
Ōaroō: place of; aro: frontFront-facing place
Ōeoō: place of; eo: louse or licePlace of lice
Ōhaeawaiō: place of; haeawai: thermal watersPlace of thermal waters
Ōhakuneō: place of; hakune: to be carefulPlace of care
Ōhāngaiō: place of; hāngai: opposite, across, or at right anglesOpposite place
Ōhauō: place of; HauPlace of Hau
Ōhauitiō: place of; hau: wind; iti: littlePlace of little wind
Ōhaupōō: place of; hau: wind; pō: nightPlace of a breeze at night
Ōhaweō: place of; hawe: bend in a river or pathPlace of many (river) bends
Ōhikaitiō: place of; hika: a rite involving certain incantations; iti: smallThe place of small incantations
Ōhikanuiō: place of; hika: a rite involving certain incantations; nui: largeThe place of large incantations
ŌhinekuraNamed after HinekuraPlace of Hinekura
Ōhinepaneaō: place of; Hinepanea: probably a personal namePlace of Hinepanea
Ōhinerauō: place of; Hinerau, the goddess of whirlwindsPlace of Hinerau
Ōhinerehiaō: place of; Hinerehia, a legendary creature or mermaid.Place of Hinerēhia
Ōhingahapeō: place of; hinga: fall; hape: crooked footPlace of a slip causing a crooked foot
Ōhiwaō: place of; hiwa: watchful or alertPlace of alertness
Ōhokaō: place of; hoka: a stake to which a decoy kākā (parrot) was tied. Earlier spelt HohokaPlace of the stake for a decoy parrot
Ōhopeō: place of; hope (or ope): main body of an armyPlace of main body of an army
Ōhotuō: place of; hotu: fifteenth night of the moonPlace of fifteenth night of the moon
Ōhoukākāō: place of; hou: feather; kākā: parrotPlace of the parrot feather
Ōhuraō: place of; hura: to uncover, or uncovered spotPlace which is uncovered
Ōihiō: place of; ihi: power or authorityPlace of spiritual power
Ōioō: place of; io: spurPlace of the spur
Ōkahuō: place of; KahuPlace of Kahu
Ōkahukuraō: place of; Kahukura: atua related to rainbowPlace of Kahukura
Ōkahutaiō: place; kahu: garment; tai: tidePlace of cloaking waters
Ōkaihaeō: place of; kai: food; hae: to dislikePlace of disliked food
Ōkaihauō: place of; kai: to eat or food; hau: windPlace of feast of the winds
Ōkaraeō: place of; karae: a seabirdPlace of the seabird
Ōkarahiaō: place of; karahia: assistance called for in war, in this case in vainPlace of a call for assistance
Ōkarekaō: food for a long journey; kareka: sweet or tastySweet food for a long journey
Ōkāritoō: place of; karito: young shoots of the bulrush or raupōPlace of young shoots of the bulrush
Ōkatainaō: place of; kataina: laughterPlace of laughter
Ōkatoō: place of; Kato: a personal namePlace of Kato
Ōkauō: place of; kau: to swimPlace of swimming
Ōkauiaō: place of; kauia: articles threaded on string or on a stickPlace of articles threaded on a stick
Ōkawaō: place of; kawa: bitterPlace of bitter (water)
Ōkehuō: place of; Kehu: a personal namePlace of Kehu
Ōkereō: place of; kere: to drift or floatPlace of drifting
Ōketeō: place of; kete: basketPlace of baskets
Ōkiatoō: place of; kīato: a receptacle for holding sacred objectsPlace of receptable for holding sacred objects
Ōkiwiō: place of; kiwi: native birdPlace of the kiwi
Ōkiwiō: place of; KiwiPlace of Kiwi
Ōkokiō: place of; koki: a small canoePlace of a small canoe
Ōkoroireō: place of; koroire: ring-necked native duck, now extinctPlace of the koroire duck
Ōkōtukuō: place of; kōtuku: white heronPlace of the white heron
Ōkupuō: place of; kupu: messagePlace of a message
Ōkuraō: place; kura: redPlace of red (clay)
Ōkuriō: place of; kurī: Polynesian dogPlace of the Polynesian dog
Ōmahaō: place of; maha: pleasurePlace of pleasure
Ōmahuō: place of; ō: provisions for a travelling party; Mahu: a personal nameThe place where Mahu ran out of food.
Ōmāioō: place of; māio: calmPlace of calm
Ōmakaō: place of; maka: South island form of manga (stream)Place of the stream
Ōmakauō: place of; makau: spouseBelonging to husband and wife
Ōmakereō: place of; makere: to be lost, abandoned or to diePlace of abandonment
Ōmāmariō: place of; Māmari: a famous canoe that come from Hawaiki.Place of Māmari canoe
Ōmanaō: place of; Mana: a personal namePlace of Mana
Ōmanaiaō: place of; Manaia: a personal namePlace of Manaia
Ōmanawaō: place of; Manawa: a personal namePlace of Manawa
Ōmanawanuiō: place of; manawanui: stout-hearted, long-suffering or forbearingPlace of unswerving dedication
Ōmāpereō: place of; māpere: cutty grassPlace of cutty grass
Ōmaramaō: place of; Marama: a personal namePlace of Marama
Ōmaruō: place of; maru: shelterPlace of shelter
Ōmarumutuō: place of; maru: shade or shelter; mutu: cut off or terminatedPlace of cut-off shelter
Ōmarunuiō: place of; maru: shade; nui: great or muchPlace of great shade
Ōmarupāpakuō: place of; maru: shade; pāpaku: shallowPlace of shallow shade
Ōmauiō: place of; MāuiPlace of Māui
Ōmihiō: place of; mihi: greeting; also possibly wailing or lamentationPlace of greeting
Ōmimiō: place o; mimi: urinePlace of urine
Ōmoanaō: place of; moana: oceanPlace of the sea
Ōmoeroaō: place of; moe: sleep; roa: longPlace of the long sleep
Ōnaeroaō: place of; naeroa: mosquitoesPlace of mosquitoes
Ōnaweō: place of; nawe: to set on firePlace of arson
Ōnehungaō: place of; nehunga: burialPlace of burial
Ōnekakāone: sand; kākā: hotHot sand
Onekawaone: sand; kawa: bitter or sourSalty soil
Ōnekenekeō: place of; nekeneke: to move graduallyPlace of movement
Onemaewaoone: sand; Maewao: fairy-like beingsPlace of the Maewao (fairy-like beings)
Oneoneoneone: earth, soilEarth
Onepotoone: beach; poto: shortShort beach
Onepūone: sand; pū: looseLoose sandy soil
Onepunuione: sand; pupuni: covered, fill upExtensive sand dune
Onerahione: beach; rahi: long or wideLong beach
Oneririone: beach; riri: combat, battle, fight, to quarrel or be angryBattle beach
Oneroaone: sand or beach; roa: longLong beach
Onetahuaone: sand; tahua: heaped upHeaped-up sand (sand dunes)
Onetangione: sandy beach; tangi: to weep or to soundBeach of weeping
Onetapuone: sand or in this case, desert; tapu: sacred or forbiddenSacred desert
Oneteaone: sandy soil; tea: light-colouredLight soil
Onewheroone: soil; whero: redRed soil
Ōngārotoō: place of; ngā: the; roto: lakesPlace of the lakes
Ōngāruānukuō: place; ngā; the; ruānuku: learned peoplePlace of the learned people
Ōngarueō: place of; ngarue: to shake, as in an earthquakePlace of shaking
Ōngātoroō: place of; Ngātoro: personal nameThe place of Ngātoro
Ōnokeō: place of; noke: earthwormPlace of earthworms
Ōnukuō: place of; nuku: food for a journeyPlace of Nuku
Ōpahekeō: place of; paheke: slip or landslidePlace of a landslide
Ōpakiō: place of; paki: fine weatherPlace of fine weather
Ōpakūō: place of; pakū: to make a sudden sound or report, to resound or to knockPlace of sudden noise
Ōpanukuō: place of; Panuku: a personal namePlace of Panuku
Ōpapaō: place of; papa: flat landPlace of flat land
Ōparaō: place of; para: mud or dust, or a place where sacred ceremonies were performedPlace of mud
Ōpararāō: place of; parara: to lie open towardsA place which lies open (to the Tasman Sea)
Ōparauō: place of; pa: fortified villages; rau: many; or parau: dissembling or falsehoodPlace of many fortified villages; or Place of falsehood
Ōpārureō: place of; pārure: to plunderPlace of plunder
Ōpepeō: place of; pepe: mothPlace of the moth
Ōpihiō: place of; pihi: springing up (referring to plants)Place of springing-up (plants)
Ōpikiō: place of; piki: to climb or ascendPlace of climbing
Ōpitoō: place of; pito: umbilical cordPlace of umbilical cords
Ōpoeō: place of; PoePlace of Poe
Ōpohoō: place of; PohoPlace of Poho
Ōpononiō: place of; pou: post; noni: crookedPlace of crooked fishing post
Ōpōuriō: place of; pōuri: sadnessPlace of sadness
Ōpoutamaō: place of; poutama: pattern on the tukutuku panels of a wharePlace of the poutama pattern
Ōpoutereō: place of; pou: pour out; tere: quicklyThe place (where the sea-waters) swiftly empty out
Ōpuaō: place of; pua: flowerPlace of the flower
Ōpukeō: place of; puke: hillPlace of the hill
Ōrākauō: place of; rakau: treesPlace of trees
Ōrākeiō: place of; rākei: adornmentPlace of adornment
Ōrakei Kōrakoō: place of; rakei: adornment; kōrako: whitePlace of adornment near the white (sinter flat)
Ōrangaō: place of; ranga: rising ground, hill, sandbank, or fishing groundPlace of rising ground
Ōrarīō: place of; rarī: butterfishPlace of the butterfish
Ōrātiaō: place of; ra: sun; tia: persistencyPlace of long-lingering sun
Ōrereō: place of; rere: waterfallPlace of the waterfall
Ōretiō: place of; reti: snarePlace of the snare
Ōringiō: place of; RingiPlace of Ringi
Ōrongoō: place of; rongo: listening-postPlace of the listening post
Ōrongorongoo: of; rongorongo: a woman’s namePlace of Rongorongo
Ōropiō: place of; ropi: to cover upPlace of covering up
Ōrouaō: place of; roua: dredging for shellfishPlace of dredging for shellfish
Ōruaitiō: place of; rua: pit; iti: smallPlace of small pit
Ōruanuiō: place of; rua: pit; nui: large or manyPlace of many pits
Ōruawairuaō: place of; rua: two; wairua: soul or spiritMeeting-place of spirits
Ōruawharoō: place of; rua: hole or pit; whārō: stretched out in full lengthPlace of stretched-out pit
Ōruawharoō: place of; Ruawharo: a personal namePlace of Ruawharo
Ōrukuwaiō: place of; Rukuwai: a personal namePlace of Rukuwai
Ōruruō: place of; ruru: moreporkPlace of the morepork
Ōrurutūmārōō: place of; ruru: morepork; tū: stand; mārō: firmPlace of the unmoving morepork
Ōtāheiō: place of; tāhei: a bird snarePlace of the bird snare
Ōtahuō: place of; Tahu: a personal namePlace of Tahu
Ōtāhūhūō: place of tāhūhū: ridgepole of a housePlace of the ridgepole of a house
Ōtaihangaō: place of: Taihanga: a personal namePlace of Taihanga
Ōtāikaō: place of; tāika: to lie in a heapPlace of lying in a heap
Ōtakapunekeō: place of; Takapuneke: a personal namePlace of Takapuneke
Ōtakaroō: place of; Takaro: a personal namePlace of Takaro
Ōtakehoō: place of; Takeho: a personal namePlace of Takeho
Ōtakiō: place of; taki: stick inPlace of sticking a staff into the ground
Ōtākiriō: place of; tākiri: loosening or making free from tapuPlace of loosening or freeing from tapu
Ōtakouō: place of; tākou: red ochrePlace of red ochre; or place of Tākou
Ōtamaō: place of;  Tama: a personal namePlace of Tama
Ōtamakuraō: place of; tama: son; kura: ornamented with red feathersPlace of boy ornamented with red feathers
Ōtamarākauō: place of; tama: young men; rākau: weaponsPlace of young warriors
Ōtamarauō: place of; Tamarau: a personal namePlace of Tamarau
Ōtamateaō: place of; Tamatea: a personal namePlace of Tamatea
Ōtāneō: place of; tāne: manPlace of a man
Ōtāngareiō: place of; tanga: row or company of people; rei: leapingPlace of group of people leaping
Ōtangaroaō: place of; Tangaroa: a personal name, or the god of the oceanPlace of Tangaroa
Ōtangihakuō: place of; tangi: to sound or weep; haku: to murmurPlace of murmured weeping
Ōtangimoanaō: place of; tangi: weeping; moana: watersPlace of weeping waters
Ōtangiwaiō: place of; tangi: weeping; wai: watersPlace of weeping waters
Ōtāparaō: place of; tāpara: desire, or wooden digging implementPlace of digging implement
Ōtāpiriō: place of; tapiri: a vigorous shoot growing beside the main stem of a plantPlace of vigorous growing shoot
Ōtaraō: place of; tara: peakPlace of the peak
Ōtaraō: place of; Tara: a personal namePlace of Tara
Ōtaraiaō: place of; Taraia: a personal namePlace of Taraia
Ōtarangaō: place of; taranga: separationPlace of separation
Ōtataraō: place of; tatara: to untie or loosenPlace of loosening
Ōtauakiō: place of; tauaki: to show or exposePlace of exposure
Ōtautauō: place of; tautau: greenstone ear pendant with a straight shank curved at the lower endPlace of ear pendant
Ōtāwēwēō: place of: tāwēwē: weighted netPlace of a weighted net
Ōtāwhaoō: place of; tāwhao: fragments, refuse or brushwoodPlace of brushwood scrub
Ōteheiō: place of; te: the; hei: neck ornamentPlace of the neck ornament
Ōtehīwaiō: place of; te: the; hīwai: springing upPlace of springing up of water
Ōtekuraō: place of; te: the; kura: red featherPlace of the red feather
Ōtepopoō: place of; te: the; popo: decayed woodPlace of the decayed wood
Ōtipuaō: place of; tipua: enchanted object or personPlace of supernatural creature
Ōtiriaō: place of; tiria: to be plantedPlace of planting
Ōtiwhāō: place of: tiwhā: a patch of shell or wood to cover a hole in a kelp bagPlace of patch
Ōtoatahiō: place of; toa: warrior; tahi: onePlace of a single warrior
Ōtohiō: place of; tohi: ritual ceremonyPlace of ceremony
Ōtokoō: place of; toko: stick or staffPlace of the staff
Ōtongaō: place of; tonga: south, or south windPlace of the south wind
Ōtoroaō: place of; toroa: albatrossPlace of the albatross
Ōtūkapuarangaiō: place of; tu: to stand; kapua: cloud; rangi: skyPlace of the standing cloud in the sky
Ōtūmatuao: place of; tū: stand; matua: parentWhere the elder stands
Ōtūmoetaiō: place of; tu: to stand; moe: to sleep; tai: tidePlace where the tide stands still as if asleep
Ōtūpaopaoō: place of; tū: to stand; paopao: to break by repeated strokesPlace of standing and breaking
Ōtūrakiō: place of; tū: to stand; raki (rangi): skyPlace of standing in the sky
Ōtūrēhuaō: place of; tū: to stand; Rēhua: the star Antares Place where the summer star stands still
Ōturotoō: place of; Turoto: a personal namePlace of Turoto
Ōtūruō: place of; Turu: a personal namePlace of Turu
Ōueō: place of; Ue: a personal namePlace of Ue
Ōueroaō: place of; ue: species of flax; roa: longPlace of long flax
Ōuiō: place of; ui: to askPlace of questioning
Ōuruhiaō: place of; uruhia: to be attackedPlace of being attacked
Ōwahangaō: place of; wahanga: burdenPlace of burden
Ōwairakaō: place of; Wairaka, a chieftainess of reputePlace of Wairaka
Ōwairakaō: place of; wai: stream; Raka: an ancestorPlace of the stream of Raka
Ōwakaō: place of; waka: canoe or wooden troughPlace of a canoe
Ōwekaō: place of; weka: wood-henPlace of the weka
Ōwhangoō: place of; whango: hoarse voice or wheezy soundPlace of wheezy noises
Ōwhataō: place of; whata: elevated stage to protect food from bush rats, and for dryingPlace of the elevated stage
Ōwhawheō: place of; whawhe: put roundThe place encircled
Ōwhiroō: place of; WhiroPlace of Whiro
Paehinahinapae: ridge, headland; hinahina: a small tree also knwn as mahoeHinahina ridge
Paekākārikipae: perch or snare; kākāriki: parakeet (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae)Parakeet perch
Paekokapae: ridge; koka: an unidentified species of seabird that was caught hereSeabird ridge
Paeoterangipae: perching place; o: of; te: the; rangi: skyFootstool of the sky
Paerātāpae: ridge; rātā: native treeRidge of the rātā tree
Paeraupae: ridges or steps; rau: many or a hundredMany ridges
Paeroapae: ridge of hills; roa: longLong ridge of hills
Paetikipae: ridge; tiki: carved wooden or stone figureRidge of carved figure
Pakirārahipakirā: bald; rahi: bigLarge bald dome
Papahīnaupapa: flat; hīnau: native treeHīnau flats
Papaitipapa: flat; iti: smallSmall flats
Papakaiopapa: flat; kaio: native tree (South Island form of ngaio)Kaio tree flats
Papakurapapa: flat; kura: redRed flats
Papamoapapa: flat; moa: raisted mounds for growing vegetablesRaised mounds for growing vegetables on the flats
Papanuipapa: flat; nui: largeLarge flat
Paparangipapa: flat; rangi: skyFlat sky
Paparātāpapa: flat; rātā: native treeRātā tree flats
Paparimupapa: flat; rimu: native treeRimu tree flats
Paparoapapa: flat; roa: longLong flats
Papatawapapa: flat; tawa: native treeTawa tree flats
Papatāwharapapa: ground; tāwhara: kiekie flowersKiekie flower flats
Papatoetoepapa: flat; toetoe: native grassToetoe grass flat
Papatōtarapapa: flat; tōtara: native treeTōtara flat
Papatōwaipapa: flat; tōwai: native treeTōwai tree flat
Papawaipapa: flat; wai: waterInundated land
Pāreranuipārera: grey duck (Anas superciliosa): nui: largeLarge grey duck
Paretaipare: divert; tai: the tideRiver bank
Paretetaitongapara: dust; te: the; tai: sea; tonga: southThe dust from the south sea
Pārewanuipā: fortified village; rewa: swamp; nui: largeFortified village in a large swamp
Pari-nui-te-rapari: cliff; nui: great; te: the; rā: sunGreat cliff in the sun
Pariparitetaiparipari: cliffs; te: the; tai: coastCliffs on the coast
Pariroapari: cliff; roa: longLong cliff
Pāroapā: fortified village; roa: long, broadBroad fortified village
Paruroaparu: mud; roa: longLong mud
Paturoapatu: to strike or kill; roa: longMuch hitting
Pāuanuipāua: shellfish; nui: many or largeMany or large pāua
Pikowaipiko: corner or bend; wai: streamBend in the stream
Pipiroapipi: cockle; roa: longLong pipi
Pīroapī: headwaters; roa: longLong headwaters
Pōhatunuipōhatu: rock; nui: greatGreat rock
Pōhaturoapōhatu: rock; roa: tallTall rock
Pohonuipoho: stomach; nui: bigBig stomach
Pōhuenuipōhue: convolvulus or other climbing plants; nui: manyLarge climbing plant
Pongaroaponga: tree fern; roa: tall or longTall tree fern
Pōnuipō: night; nui: longLong night
Puataipua: foam; tai: seaFoam of the sea
Pukearuhepuke: hill; aruhe: bitterHill of bitterness
Puhinuipuhi: plume at the bow of a war canoe; nui: largeLarge plume at bow of war canoe
Pukeatuapuke: hill; atua: godHill of the deity
Pukehinaupuke: hill; hinau: a native treeHīnau tree hill
Puke-hiwi-tahipuke: hill; hiwi: ridge; tahi: oneOne-ridge hill
Pukehuhupuke: hill; huhu: grubHuhu grub hill
Pukehuiapuke: hill; huia: clusterCluster of hills
Pukeitipuke: hill; tī: cabbage treeCabbage tree hill
Pukekāhupuke: hill; kāhu: hawkHill of the hawk
Pukekaikiorepuke: hill; kai: to eat; kiore: ratHill of the eaten rat
Pukekākārikipuke: hill; kākāriki: parakeetHill of the parakeet
Pukekāpiapuke: hill; kāpia: kauri gumKauri gum hill
Pukekoikoipuke: hill; koikoi: pointedPointed hill
Pukekōmāpuke: hill; kōmā: light-coloured or bright; or a kind of stoneLight-coloured hill
Pukekōwhaipuke: hill; kōwhai: native treeKōwhai tree hill
Pukekurapuke: hill; kura: redRed hill
Puke-māeroeropuke: hill; māeroero: ogres of the forestHill of ogres
Pukemaoripuke: hill; māori: MāoriMāori hill
Pukemaramapuke: hill; marama: moonMoon hill
Pukemātāwaipuke: hill: mātāwai: source of streamsHill is source of stream
Pukematekeopuke: hill; mate: end; keo: peakThe hill at the end of the range
Pukemiropuke: hill; miro: native treeMiro tree hill
Pukemokopuke: hill; moko: tattooHill of tattoos
Pukemoremorepuke: hill; more; a freshwater fishHill of many pinbellied freshwater fish
Pukengahupuke: hill; ngahu: point or promontoryHill
Pukenuipuke: hill; nui: largeLarge hill
Pukeokahupuke: hill; o: of; Kahu: personal nameHill of Kahu
Puke-o-Tarapuke: hill; o: of; TaraHill of Tara
Pukepiripiripuke: hill; piripiri: the ‘biddy-bid’ (Acaena anserinifolia)‘Biddy-bid’ hill
Pukepitopuke: hill; pito: endHill end
Pukepōhatupuke: hill; pōhatu: rockRock hill
Pukepotopuke: hill; poto: dark blue earth present in a nearby swamp, used as a pigmentDark blue pigment hill
Pukerangipuke: hill; rangi: skySky hill
Pukerangiorapuke: hill; rangiora: native shrubRangiora shrub hill
Pukeraupuke: hills; rau: a leaf, a hundred or manyHill of leaves
Pukerauaruhepuke: hill; rauaruhe: bracken frondsHill of bracken fronds
Pukerimupuke: hill; rimu: native treeRimu tree hill
Pukeorapuke: hill; ora: well or in good healthHill of good health
Pukeroapuke: hill; roa: long or tallTall hill
Pukeruapuke: hill; rua: twoTwo hills
Puketahapuke: hill; taha: sideHill side
Puketāpapapuke: hill; tāpapa: edge or flat-toppedFlat-topped hill
Puketapupuke: hill; tapu: sacred or forbiddenSacred hill
Puketawapuke: hill; tawa: native treeTawa tree hill
Puketīpuke: hill; tī: cabbage treeCabbage tree hill
Puketihipuke: hill; tihi: top or summitSummit of the hill
Puketiropuke: hill; tiro: viewView from the hill
Puke-tirohia-maramapuke: hill; tirohia: to survey or view; marama: moonHill giving a view of the moon
Puketoipuke: hill; toi: summitSummit of the hill
Puketōtarapuke: hill; tōtara tree Tōtara hill
Puketūīpuke: hill; tūī: native birdTūī hill
Puketūrotopuke: hill; tū: to stand; roto: lakeHillside beside the lake
Puketutupuke: hill; tutu: native shrub (Coriaria arborea)Tutu shrub hill
Pukewhaupuke: hill; whau: a native treeWhau tree hill
Pukewheropuke: hill; whero: redRed hill
Pukurahipuku: belly; rahi: largeLarge belly
Rāhoturā: sun; hotu: to long forLong for the sun
Rākaunuirākau: tree; nui: many or largeMany trees
Rākauroarākau: tree; roa: tallTall trees
Ramaroarama: torch; roa: longLong torch
Ranganuiranga: parade; nui: largeLarge parade
Rangi-roarangi: sky; roa: longLong sky
Rānuirā: sun; nui: manyPlenty of sunshine
Rapanuirapa: there are many meanings of rapa, including to seek; nui: manyMuch seeking
Rārangi-roarārangi: line or row; roa: longLong line
Rāroarā; day; roa: longLong day
Rātānuirātā: native tree; nui: large or manyMany or large rātā trees
Rāwhitiroarā: sun; whiti: to shine; roa: longLong-shining sun
Reporoarepo: swamp; roa: long or wideLong swamp
Rimunuirimu: native tree; nui: many or largeMany or large rimu trees
Rongotairongo: sound; tai: seaSound of the sea
Rotoairaroto: lake; a: of; IraLake of Ira
Roto-a-Tararoto: lake; a: of; TaraLake of Tara
Rotoehuroto: lake; ehu: turbidTurbid lake
Rotoitiroto: lake; iti: smallLittle lake
Rotokākahiroto: lake; kākahi: freshwater shellfishFreshwater shellfish lake
Rotokauriroto: lake; kauri: native treeKauri tree lake
Rotokawaroto: lake; kawa; bitterBitter lake
Rotokawauroto: lake; kawau: shagShag lake
Rotokohuroto: lake; kohu: mistMisty lake
Rotokuraroto: lake; kura: redRed glow of sunset on the water
Rotomaroto: lake; ma: clearClear lake
Rotomahanaroto: lake; mahana: warmWarm lake
Rotomanuroto: lake; manu: birdBird lake
Rotongaroroto: lake; ngaro: hidden or lostHidden lake
Roto-o-rangiroto: lake; o: of; rangi: skyLake of the sky
Rotoroaroto: lake; roa: longLong lake
Rotoruaroto: lake; rua: twoTwo lakes
Rototunaroto: lake; tuna: eelEel lake
Rotowaroroto: lake; waro: coal or glowing embersLake of glowing embers
Ruapuke Islandrua: two; puke: hillsTwo hill island
Ruaroarua: cave or pit; roa: longLong pit
Ruawairua: hole; wai: waterWatery hole
Rukumoanaruku: to dive; moana: sea, or deep pool in riverDiving into the pool
Tāhaenuitāhae: thief; nui: big or manyMany thieves
Taharoataha: coast; roa: longLong coast
Tahawaitaha: side; wai: waterSeaside
Tāhekereroatāheke: waterfall; roa: high or longHigh waterfall
Tahoraititahora: forest clearing; iti: littleLittle forest clearing
Tāhuhūnuitāhūhū: ridge-pole; nui: largeLarge ridge-pole
Tāhunanuitāhuna: shoal or sandbank; nui: largeLarge sandbank
Taiharurutai: sea; haruru: resoundingResounding sea
Taikoreatai: sea; korea: a small canoeTide of the small canoe
Taimatetai: tide; mate: deadA salt pool blocked off from the tide
Tainuitai: tide; nui: greatGreat tide
Tairuatai: tides; rua: twoTwo tides
Taitaputai: coast; tapu: sacredSacred coast
Taitimutai: tide; timu: to ebbEbb of the tide
Taitomotai: sea; tomo: shaftShaft of the sea
Takahiwaitakahi: to trample; wai: waterTrample water
Takutaitaku: coast; tai: seaSea coast
Tangimoanatangi: to weep or lament; moana: oceanWeeping sea
Tangiwaitangi: to cry or weep; wai: waterWeeping water
Taonuitao: spear; nui: manyLarge spear
Taoroatao: spear; roa: longLong spear
Tapuwaeroatapuwae: footsteps; roa: longLong footsteps
Tātuanuitātua: girdle; nui: large or manyLarge girdle
Taumarunuitaumaru: screen; nui: largeLarge screen
taumata: brow of a hill; whakatangihanga: place of sounding or playing; kōauau: flute; o: of; Tamatea-pōkai-whenua; ki: to; tana: his; tahu: loverThe brow of the hill where Tamatea who travelled all over the land played his flute to his lover
Taumoanatau: to come to rest (and many other meanings); moana: seaCome to rest at sea
Tauranganuitaura: landing places; nui: many, greatGreat landing place
Tauraroataura: rope; roa: longLong rope
Tawanuitawa: native tree (Beilschmiedia tawa); nui: manyGreat tawa tree
Tāwharanuitāwhara: flower of the kiekie (Freycinetia banksii); nui: manyMany flowers of the kiekie
Te Araroate: the; ara: path; roa: longThe long path
Te Awate: the; awa: valley or channelThe valley
Te Awahoute: the; awa: river; hou: newThe new river
Te Awaitite: the; awa: stream; iti: littleThe little stream
Te Awa-māeroerote: the; awa: river; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forestsThe river of the ogres
Te Awamutute: the; awa: river; mutu: cut off or endedThe ended river
Te Awa-parahite: the; awa: valley; parahi: steepThe steep valley
Te Awaurete: the; awa: river; ure: maleThe male river
Te Haehaengate: the; haehaenga: torn or laceratedThe laceration
Te Hanate: the; hana: glow or gleamThe glow
Te Hāparate: the; hāpara: dawnThe dawn
Te Hāparangite: the; hāparangiThe circumstance of shouting
Te Hāpuate: the; hāpua: lagoonThe lagoon
Te Hārotote: the; hāroto: poolThe pool
Te Hengate: the; henga: food for a work partyThe food for a work party
Te Hēnuite: the; hē: amongst its several meanings are wrong, erring, error, difficulty, trouble; nui: bigThe great mistake
Te Ika-a-Māuite: the; ika: fish; a: of; Māui: a personal nameThe fish of Māui
Te Ika-a-Ranganuite: the; ika: fish; a: of; Ranganui: a personal nameThe fish of Ranganui
Te Horote: the; horo: landslideThe landslide
Te Kahate: the; kaha: ropeThe rope
Te Kaote: the; kao: dried kūmaraThe dried kūmara
Te Kauwhatate: the; kau: empty; whata: storehouseThe empty storehouse
Te Kawakawate: the; kawakawa: a native shrubThe kawakawa shrub
Te Kōpuate: the; kōpua: deep poolThe deep pool
Te Kirite: the; kiri: barkThe bark
Te Kōhangate: the; kōhanga: nestThe nest
Te Kōwhaite: the; kōwhai: a treeThe kōwhai tree
Te Māniate: the; mānia: plainThe plain
Te Moanate: the; moana: oceanThe sea
Te Moana o Toi te Huatahite: the; moana: ocean; o: of; Toi te HuatahiThe ocean of Toi te Huatahi
Te Moananuite: the; moana: ocean; nui: largeThe great ocean
Te Moananui-a-Kiwate: the; moana: ocean; nui: large; a: of; KiwaThe great ocean of Kiwa
Te Onepūte: the; onepū: sandThe sand
Te Onewate: the; one: earth, soil or land; wa: unenclosed countrySoil of the unenclosed land
Te Papatapute: the; papa: flat; tapu: sacred or forbiddenThe sacred flat
Te Pukete: the; puke: hillThe hill
Te Tai Tamāhinete: the; tai: sea, coast; tamāhine: daughter, girlThe female coast
Te Tai Tamatānete: the; tai: sea, coast; tamatāne: son, bodyThe male coast
Te Tai o Marokurate: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; MarokuraThe coast of Marokura
Te Tai o Mahaanuite: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; MahaanuiThe coast of Mahaanui
Te Tai o Aorerete: the; tai: sea, coast; o: of; AorereThe coast of Aorere
Te Tai Poutinite: the; tai: sea, coast; PoutiniThe coast of Poutini
Te Tukeroate: the ; tuke: elbow or bend; roa: tallThe long bend
Te Waharoate: the; waha: to carry on the back; roa: longThe long carry
Te Wai Pounamute; the; wai: water; pounamu: greenstoneThe greenstone waters
Te Waiitite: the; wai: stream; iti: smallThe little stream
Te Waiopanite: the wai: water; o: of; PaniThe water of Pani
Te Wairoate: the; wai: river or stream; roa: longThe long stream
Te Waiterete: the; wai: water; tere: swiftly flowingThe swift stream
Te Wēitite: the; wē: water; iti: littleThe little water
Te Whare-kai-atuate: the; whare: house; kai: eat; atua: godsThe abode that consumes deities
Tīkapa Moanatīkapa: mournful; moana: seaThe mournful sea
Tikinuitiki: human representation in wood or stone; nui: large or manyThe great human carving
Tinuiti: cabbage tree; nui: large or manyMany cabbage trees
Tiroati: cabbage tree; roa: tallLong cabbage tree
Tiromoanatiro: view; moana: oceanView the sea
Tironuitiro: view; nui: large or expansiveExpansive view
Tiroroatiro: view; roa: longLong view
Titiroatiti: long streaks of cloud; roa: longLong streaks of cloud
Tokanuitoka: rock; nui: large or manyLarge rock
Tokarahitoka: rock; rahi: large or manyMany rocks
Tokaroatoka: rock; roa: tall or longTall rock
Tokoititoko: pole; iti: smallLittle pole
Tokoroatoko: pole: roa: longLong pole
Tōmoanatō: to drag or as far up as; moana: oceanDrag to the ocean
Tōtaranuitōtara: trees; nui: manyMany tōtara trees
Tunanuituna: eels; nui: manyMany eels
Tūranganuitūranga: standing; nui: greatGreat standing place
Tūrangaomoanatūranga: standing place; o: of; moana: the seaResting place of the sea
Tūtaenuitūtae: dung; nui: largeLarge dung
Umutaoroaumu: oven; taoroa: long spearOven of the long spear
Urenuiure: courage (a figurative expression); nui: greatGreat courage
Utuwaiutu: dip into, in order to fill a bowl; wai: waterDip into water
Waianiwaniwawai: water; aniwaniwa: rainbowRainbow waters
Waiapuwai: water; apu: to swallowSwallowing river
Waiarekawai: water; a: of; reka: sweet or sweetnessSweet water
Waiariariwai: water; ariari: gleaming or undisturbedGleaming water
Waiarikiwai: water; ariki: chiefWaters of the chief
Waiarowai: water; aro: wistfulWistful water
Waiatotowai: water; a: of; toto: bloodWater of blood
Waiauwai: water; au: currentSwirling waters
Waiauawai: water; aua: herringWaters containing herring
Waihahawai: water; haha: noisyNoisy water
Waihakekewai: water; hakeke: wood ear fungusWood ear fungus water
Waihaowai: water; hao: to catch in a netWater of net fishing
Waihaowai: river: hao: a species of small eelWater with eels
Waihaorungawai: river: hao: a species of small eel; runga: top or upper partWater with eels at the top
Waiharakekewai: stream; harakeke: flaxFlax stream
Waiharuruwai: water; haruru: to reverberate or rumbleRumbling waters
Waihauwai: water; hau: windWindy water
Waihekewai: water; heke: to ebb, drip or descendThe descending waters
Waihemowai: water or stream; hemo: to ceaseThe finished stream
Waihīnauwai: stream; hīnau: a native treeHīnau tree stream
Waihīrerewai: water; hīrere: to rushRushing waters
Waihōakawai: stream; hōaka (South Island form of hōanga): sandstone, used for grinding and polishing greenstoneWater of sandstone
Waihōhepawai: stream, water; Hohepa: the Maori form of JosephThe water of Hōhepa
Waihōhonuwai: river; hōhonu: deepDeep water
Waihopowai: river; hopo: to be apprehensive or doubtfulA river one fears to cross
Waihorawai: water; hora: spread outSpread-out waters
Waihōuwai: river; hōu: newNew waters
Waihuawai: water; hua: fish roeFish roe waters
Waihuewai: river; hue: gourdRiver gourd waters
Wai-itiwai: stream; iti: littleLittle stream
Waikākāwai: water; kākā: parrotParrot stream
Waikākāhiwai: water; kākahi: freshwater shellfishWaters of freshwater shellfish
Waikākahowai: water; kākaho: flowering plumes of the toetoeWaters of the flowering plumes of the toetoe
Waikanaewai: water; kanae: mulletMullet waters
Waikarakawai: stream; karaka: native treeKaraka tree stream
Waikarakiawai: stream; karakia: prayer or incantationStream of ritual
Waikarewai: water; kare: to rippleRippling waters
Waikareitiwai: water; kare: to ripple or dash; iti: littleLittle waters
Waikaremoanawai: water; kare: to ripple; moana: sea or large lakeSea of rippling waters
Waikāretuwai: water; kāretu: a sweet-scented grassWaters of the kāretu grass
Waikariwai: water; kari: digDig for water
Waikatowai: river; kato: to flowFlowing water
Waikawawai: water; kawa: bitterBitter water
Waikawauwai: water; kawau: shagWater of the shag
Waikererūwai: water; kererū: wood pigeonWater of the wood pigeon
Waikeriawai: water; keria: dug outDug out water
Waikerikeriwai: water; kerikeri: to rush along violentlyWater that rushes along
Waikiekiewai: water; kiekie: a climbing plantKiekie waters
Waikinowai: water; kino: unpleasant, stinkingHarmful waters
Waikirikiriwai: stream; kirikiri: gravelGravelly stream
Waikitewai: water; kite: to see or gaze uponDiscovered water
Waikiwiwai: stream; kiwi: a flightless nocturnal birdKiwi waters
Waikōauwai: water; kōau: shagWaters of the shag
Waikohuwai: water; kohu: mistMisty waters
Waikōkopuwai: water; kōkopu: cockabully fishWaters of the cockabully
Waikōkōwaiwai: water; kōkōwai: red ochreWaters of the red ochre
Waikoreawai: water; korea: a small canoeWaters of the small canoe
Waikouaitiwai: stream; koua (the poetical form of kua): to become; iti: littleStream which has become small
Waikoukouwai: water; koukou: morepork or native owlWater of the morepork
Waikōwhaiwai: stream; kowhai: native treeKōwhai tree waters
Waikōwhitiwhitiwai: water; kōwhitiwhiti: dancing (of water)Dancing waters
Waikukuwai: water; kuku: freshwater musselFreshwater mussel waters
Waikumetewai: water; kumete: wooden bowl often used to snare wood pigeonsWaters of the kumete bowl
Waikutawai: water; kuta: rushesWaters of the kuta rushes
Waimāwai: river; mā: white or clearClear water
Wai-māeroerowai: water; māeroero: ogres of the South Island forestsWaters of the ogres of the forests
Waimāhakawai: waters; māhaka (māhanga): twinTwin waters
Waimahorawai: water; mahora: spread outSpread out waters
Waimahuruwai; stream; mahuru: placidPlacid waters
Waimakaririwai: river; makariri: coldCold river
Waimamakuwai: stream; mamaku: tree-fernTree-fern stream
Waimanawai: stream; mana: esteem or influenceStream of influence
Waimangaroawai: river; manga: tributary; roa: longRiver with a long tributary
Waimanguwai: water; mangu: blackBlack water
Waimāramawai: water; mārama: clearClear water
Waimariewai: water; marie: quietQuiet water
Waimarinowai: water or stream; marino: calm or stillCalm stream
Waimaruwai; water; maru: shade or shelteredSheltered water
Waimātaitaiwai; water; mātaitai: salty or brackish waterSalty water
Waimatewai: water; mate: dead, sick or stagnantStagnant water
Waimatuawai: water; matua: large or importantImportant water
Waimatukuwai: water; matuku: bitternBittern water
Waimaukuwai: stream; mauku: small fernsFern water
Waimaungawai: stream; maunga: mountainMountain stream
Waimimiwai: stream; mimi: urineUrine stream
Waimirowai: stream; miro: a native treeMiro stream
Waimotuwai: water or river; motu: islandIsland stream
Waimumuwai: stream; mumu: boisterousBoisterous stream
Waingakewai: water; ngake: capacious, or the middle section of a fishing netWaters to fill a large net
Waingarowai: water or stream; ngaro: lost or hiddenLost stream
Waingongorowai: river; ngongoro: to snore or gurgleGurgling water
Wainoniwai: stream; noni: bend or turnBendy stream
Wainuiwai: water; nui: largeLarge waters
Wainuiomatawai: stream; nui: big; o: of; Mata: a personal nameBig stream of Mata
Wainuioruwai: water or stream; nui: large; o of; Ru: personal nameLarge waters of Ru
Waiohauwai: water; o: of; Hau: personal nameWaters of Hau
Waiohinewai: river; o: of; HineRiver of Hine
Waiomatatiniwai: water or stream; o: of; MatatiniStream of Matatini
Waiomiowai: water or stream; o: of; MioStream of Mio
Waiomuwai: water or stream; o: of; MuStream of Mu
Waionewai: water; one: beach or sandStream on the beach
Waionganawai: water or stream; o: of; NganaStream of Ngata
Wai-ora-a-Tānewai: water; ora: life; a: of; TāneThe life-giving water of Tāne
Waiorongomaiwai: water or stream; o: of; RongomaiStream of Rongomai
Waiotahiwai: water or stream; o: of; TahiStream of Tahi
Wai-o-taikite: the; wai: stream; o: of; TaikiStream of Taiki
Waiotapuwai: water; o: of; tapu: sacred or reservedSacred waters
Waiotemaramawai: water; o: of; Te MaramaWaters of Te Marama
Waiotirawai: water or pool; a: of; tira: to set up sticks for divinationPool of divination
Waiotūwai: water; o: of; Tū: a personal nameWaters of Tū
Waiouruwai: river; o:of; uru: westRiver of the west
Waipāwai: river; pā: fortified village or villagesRiver of fortified villages
Waipahiwai: water; PahiStream of Pahi
Waipāhīhīwai: water; pāhīhī: welling up or flowing in dribletsWater flowing in driblets
Waipakaruwai: water; pakaru: brokenStream broken through
Waipangowai: water; pango: blackBlack water
Waipapawai: stream; papa: flatStream on flats
Waipapakauriwai: water; papa: flat; kauri: native treeSwampy ground where the kauri grow
Waipaparoawai: water; papa: flat; roa: longStream on long flats
Waiparawai: water; para: mud, silt or sedimentSilty water
Waipareirawai: water; PareiraStream of Pareira
Waipariwai: stream; pari: cliffClifftop stream
Waipatiwai: water; pati: shallow or splashingShallow waters
Waipātikiwai: water; pātiki: flounderFlounder waters
Waipatuwai: water; patu: struckStrike water
Waipetowai: stream; peto: to be consumedConsumed by the stream
Waipīatawai: water; pīata: glistening or clearClear water
Waipipiwai: water; pipi: cocklePipi waters
Waipirowai: water; piro: evil-smellingEvil-smelling water
Waipōuawai: water; pō: night; ua: rainWater from rain in the night
Waipounamuwai: river; pounamu: greenstoneGreenstone waters
Waipōuriwai: water or stream; pōuri: dark or sad.Dark waters
Waipūwai: water; pū: reddish in colourReddish water
Waipuhinuiwai: water; puhi: plume at the bow of a war canoe; nui: largeWater of the large canoe bow plume
Waipukuwai: water; puku: to swellSwelling water
Waipukurauwai: stream; pukurau: a large white fungusStream of the pukurau fungus
Wairākeiwai: water; rākei: adorningA place where pools of water were used as mirrors
Wairangiwai: water; rangi: skyWater skies
Wairarapawai: water; rarapa: glisteningGlistening water
Wairekawai: water; reka: sweetSweet water
Wairepowai: water; repo; swampSwampy water
Wairerewai: water or stream; rere: to flowWaterfall
Wairiowai: water or stream; rio: dried upDried-up stream
Wairoawai: river or stream; roa: longLong stream
Wairongoāwai: springs; rongoā: medicineMedicinal stream
Wairuawai: stream or river; rua: twoTwin waters
Wairunawai: stream; runa: dockDock waters
Wairungawai: water; runga: aboveStream that flows from the mountains
Waitaangawai: stream; a of; AngaStream of Anga
Waitahawai: river or stream; taha: to pass on one sideBackwater
Waitahanuiwai: stream; tahanui: a variety of cabbage tree with broad leavesStream of cabbage trees
Waitahorawai: water; tahora: spread out or open spaceWide-open waters
Waitahuwai: stream; tahu: continuous or running in a straight lineStraight-running stream
Waitahunawai: stream; Tāhuna: a personal nameStream of Tāhuna
Waitaiwai: water; tai: salt or brackishSalty water
Waitakarowai: stream; takaro: to play or wrestleWrestling waters
Waitakaruruwai: water; takaruru: stagnantStagnant water
Waitākerewai: water or stream; tākere: deep or cascadingCascading stream
Waitakiwai: river; taki (tangi): noisy or weepingWeeping waters
Waitānewai: river; tāne: man or menRiver of men
Waitangiwai: waters; tangi: noisy or weepingWeeping waters
Waitangiruruwai: water or stream; tangi: to sound; ruru: moreporkStream that sounds like a morepork
Waitanguruwai: water; tanguru: rushing rapidlyRapidly rushing water
Waitaowai: water; tao: spearSpear waters
Waitapuwai: water: tapu: sacred or forbiddenSacred waters
Waitarameawai: stream; taramea: speargrassSpeargrass stream
Waitararoawai:water; tara: sun’s ray or shafts of light; roa: longFirst rays of the sun appearing on the water
Waitārerewai: stream; tārere: to flow copiouslyCopiously flowing waters
Waitariawai: water; taria: to wait forWaters of waiting
Waitarukewai: stream; taruke: hurryingHurrying stream
Waitatawai: water; tata: to dash or beat downDashing stream
Waitawawai: stream; tawa: treeTawa tree stream
Waitāwhetawai: water; tāwheta: to flounderRestless stream
Waitekauriwai: stream; te: the; kauri: native treeStream of the kauri tree
Waitepekawai: stream; te: the; peka: branchTributary stream
Waiterimuwai: stream; te: the; rimu: native treeStream of the rimu tree
Waitetiwai: stream; te: the; tī: cabbage treeStream of the cabbage tree
Waitetunawai: stream; te: the; tuna: eelStream of the eel
Waitiriwai: water or stream; tiri: to toss about or disturbDisturbed stream
Waitoawai: water; toa: rough or stormyRough waters
Waitoetoewai: water or stream; toetoe: native grassToetoe grass stream
Waitohiwai: water; tohi: baptismal riteStream for baptismal rite
Waitohuwai: water; tohu: to point outWater that points out the way
Waitokiwai: water; toki: adzeAdze waters
Waitomowai: water; tomo: shaftShafts from water
Waitorikiwai: water; tōriki: littleSmall stream
Waitōtarawai: river; tōtara: native treeTōtara tree river
Waituhiwai: water; tuhi: to glowGlowing waters
Waitūīwai: water; tūī: birdTūī waters
Waitunawai: stream; tuna: eelEel stream
Waiukuwai: stream; uku: white clayStream with banks of white clay
Waiutawai: river; uta: inland, or to load a burdenInland river
Waiwawawai: stream; wawa: roaringRoaring stream
Waiwerawai: water; wera: hotHot water
Wai-whakaatawai: water; whakaata: to reflectReflecting waters
Waiwherowai: water; whero: redRed waters
Waiwhetūwai: stream; whetū: starStar-reflecting stream
Waiwhiowai: stream; whio: blue or whistling duckStream of the blue duck
Waiwhiuwai: stream; whiu: sudden bendSudden bend in the stream
Wakanuiwaka: canoe; nui: large or manyMany waka
Waronuiwaro: chasm or coals; nui: largeLarge coals
Waitētēwai: stream; tētē: shovel-nosed duck, now extinctShovel-nosed duck stream
Wēitiwē: liquid or water; iti: littleLittle waters
Whakaariwhakaari: To show or expose to viewExpose to view
WhakaroaWhaka (South Island form of whanga): harbour or bay; roa: longLong harbour
Whangakokowhanga: harbour; koko: corner, or to take up with a shovelShovelled harbour
Whangamarinowhanga: stretch of water; marino: peacefulPeaceful harbour
Whangamatawhanga: harbour; mata: obsidianObsidian harbour
Whangamoawhanga: valley or sheltered place; moa: probably the raised mounds in a plantationValley with raised mounds in plantation
Whangamomonawhanga: valley; momona: fatBountiful valley
Whanganuiwhanga: bay; nui: largeLarge harbour
Whanganui-o-Heiwhanga: bay; nui: large; o: of; HeiLarge harbour of Hei
Whangaparawhanga: harbour; para: sedimentSedimentary harbour
Whangaparāoawhanga: bay; parāoa: whaleWhale bay
Whangapēwhanga: to wait; pē: fish roeFish roe harbour
Whangapouawhanga: bay or harbour; poua: a molluscMollusc harbour
Whangarāwhanga: bay; rā: sunSunny bay
Whangarātāwhanga: valley; rātā: native treeRātā tree valley
Whangareiwhanga: waiting; rei: abbreviation of ReipaeWaiting for Reipae
Whangaripowhanga: stretch of water; ripo: deep pool or whirlpoolDeep stretch of water
Whangaroawhanga: harbour; roa: longLong harbour
Whangaruruwhanga: harbour; ruru: moreporkMorepork harbour
Whangateauwhanga: harbour; te: the; au: current, smoke or mistHarbour of smoke
Whangatoetoewhanga: bay; toetoe: native grassToetoe grass bay
Whānuiwhānui: wideWide-open waters
Whareroawhare: house; roa: longLong house
Whāro One-roa-a-Tohewhāro: stretched out; one: beach; roa: long; a: of; Tohe, a chiefThe beach on which Tōhē stretched out
Whataroawhata: elevated stage: roa: long or tallLong, elevated stage
Whekenuiwheke: octopus; nui: largeGreat octopus
Whenuanuiwhenua: land; nui: largeGreat land
Whenuapaiwhenua: land; pai: goodGood land
Whānuiwhānui: broad or wideWide
Wharanuiwharanui: species of flaxWharanui flax
Wharewhare: houseHouse
Whareakeakewhare: house; akeake: poor land, or a species of treeHouse on poor land
Whareamawhare: house; ama: carved posts supporting the maihiHouse of carved posts
Wharehinewhare: house; hine: girls or young womenHouse of young women
Wharehuanuiwhare: house; huanui: road or pathHouse by a path
Wharehuiawhare: house; huia (the possessive case of hui): assembledHouse of assembly
Wharehungawhare: house; hunga: company of peopleMeeting house, or meeting of people in a house
Wharekahowhare: house; kaho: fence railEnclosed palisade
Wharekākāwhare: probably nesting place; kākā: parrotsNesting place of parrots
Wharekōpaewhare: house; kōpae: circularHouse with a side door
Wharekōwhitiwhare: house; kō: father side; whiti: to crossCross to house on the far side
Whareongaongawhare: house; ongaonga: nettleNettle house
Whareorawhare: house; ora: safe or in good healthHouse of good health
Wharepāinawhare: house; pāina: to warm oneselfHouse to warm oneself
Wharepapawhare: house; papa: flatHouse flats
Wharepoawhare: house: poa: smouldering or smokingSmouldering house
Wharepongawhare: house; ponga: tree-fernTree-fern house
Wharerātāwhare: house; rātā: native treeHouse among the rātā trees
Whatamangōwhata: elevated food store: mangō (the same word as makō): sharkA stage for storing dried shark flesh
Whatatutuwhata: elevated food platform; tutu: native tree or bushStorage platform among the tutu bushes
Whatawhatawhata: elevated food platformElevated food platforms
Whatitiriwhatitiri: thunderThunder
Whatiwhatihoewhatiwhati: to break in pieces; hoe: paddlePaddle broken into pieces
Whauwhau: a native treeWhau tree
Whāwhāruawhāwhā: to feel about; rua: pitGrope about in kūmara pit
Whenuahōuwhenua: land; hōu: newNew land
Whenuakitewhenua: land; kite: discoverDiscovered land
Whenuakurawhenua: land; kura: redRed land
Whetūkurawhetū: star; kura: redRed star
Whitiangawhitianga: the crossingThe crossing (of a river)
Whitikauwhiti: to cross; kau: to wadeWade across

This list of place names and their meanings is a sample of approximately 4000 Māori place names on which we have information.  

It has been developed using a number of resources, including:

  • Bateman New Zealand historical atlas: ko papatuanuku e takoto nei, Bateman, Auckland, 1997
  • Te Aue Davis, He Korero Purakau mo nga taunahanahatanga a nga tupuna = Place names of the ancestors: a Maori oral history atlas, New Zealand Geographic Board, Wellington, 1990
  • A.W. Reed, The Reed dictionary of New Zealand place names, Reed, 1975
  • Te Ara: Encyclopedia of New Zealand
  • T. Turoa and Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal, Te Takoto o te Whenua o Hauraki = Hauraki landmarks, Reed, Auckland, 2000

For some other well-known place names, see the Ingoa Wāhi o Aotearoa interactive map on the Kōrero Māori website.

For further information about Māori place names, see the Te Ara entry on Māori place names and Māori and Pākehā names in the Te Ara Places entry.

How to cite this page

'1000 Māori place names', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/culture/maori-language-week/1000-maori-place-names, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 4-Jul-2016