The House

New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854-2004

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Sound file transcript: the fire of 1907

Fire of 1907 (312k). Describes the disastrous fire in the early hours of 11 December 1907 in the old tinder-dry buildings. From 'Today in NZ history, 11 December 1907, Parliament Buildings burnt down', D2468, New Zealand Sound Archives.

Shortly after two o'clock on the morning of the 11th of December the night-watchman's attention was attracted by a crackling noise coming from the interpreter's room about half way between the chamber of the House of Representatives and the Legislative Council. He had passed only a few minutes earlier without noticing anything amiss. He promptly raised the alarm.

The buildings were old and following two months of very dry weather the timbers were exceptionally dry. In less than an hour the fire broke through the outside walls. The fire brigade fought strenuously but the odds were heavily against them. The flames lit up most of Wellington and very soon spectators gathered from all directions.

It was apparent that the main building could not be saved and everyone then concentrated on salvaging what they could and the lawn in front of the building began to look like a fair. There were books, papers, portraits, chairs and desks, hurriedly snatched and brought to safety. Few, if any of the records of Parliament itself were destroyed, but a considerable quantity of documents belonging to the native department perished.

Government House at the southern end of the main building was threatened but the brigade saved it by hosing the walls. This building was afterwards used as Parliament House and is still in use pending completion of the permanent building. At the northern end of the block was the new General Assembly Library, a brick structure, protected by iron doors and shutters. When it seemed that this too might become involved, frantic efforts were made to remove the books and records and through a private property in Hill Street an endless stream of people began carrying them to safety, but the library was saved.

Read more about the 1907 fire.

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