The House

New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854-2004

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About this web feature

This website is an adaptation of John E. Martin's book The House: New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854-2004, published to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Parliament. The site includes features and topics not contained in the book.

See also: information about the panoramas.

Site help

This website is designed to work and look best in modern standards-supporting browsers (eg Internet Explorer 5 and later, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Safari), but all the content should still be accessible for those with earlier browser versions.

Viewers will be able to increase or decrease the font size to suit using their browser's in-built settings. Eg to change text size in Internet Explorer, choose View | Text Size and select the size you would prefer.

Images are provided alongside the text in either small (thumbnail) or larger versions. Most of the historical images are provided as thumbnails which link through to larger versions with reference and further content information. The panorama stills link through to the panorama they are taken from.

We have tried to make multimedia content as accessible as possible by creating the sound files in the most widely supported format (mp3) along with transcripts and the film files in a range of formats and qualities, along with still shots. There is no real alternative to QuickTime 5 and later for the panoramas, but for those unable or unwilling to download this plug-in, there are still shots of each panorama and in some cases a detailed description.

We have used print style sheets so that those people with modern browsers will not have to print out the navigation

Please if you have any technical difficulties.