The Cenotaph Developed by the Auckland Museum, this database contains records and some photos for over 35,000 New Zealanders who gave their lives as a result of war, from South Africa in 1899, through the First and Second World Wars to Korea, Malaya and Vietnam in the 1950s to 1970s, and even recent peacekeeping deployments.
National War Memorial Contains background information about the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
The Australian War Memorial Features biographical databases containing 200,000 photographs (including many of New Zealanders), nominal rolls and other official records
London Gazette Includes WWI and WWII online editions that are useful for genealogists as honours and awards along with military promotions are recorded in this title
New Zealand Forces Memorial Project Aims to photograph and collect a pictorial records of New Zealand war graves and memorials both overseas and in New Zealand
Remembrance Historical milestones of the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services Association including commemorative dates