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Waikato War map

Waikato War map

On 12 July 1863 Lieutenant-General Cameron's forces crossed the Mangatawhiri Stream to invade the Waikato.

After his return as governor in 1861, George Grey decided that the Kingites, with their determination not to sell land, presented a serious challenge to colonial authority.

From 1862 to 1863 troops extended the Great South Road from Auckland and built a string of redoubts as a forward base for the invasion. Between July 1863 and April 1864 imperial troops, accompanied by locally raised Pakeha forces, advanced as far south as Te Awamutu.

Major battles were fought at Rangiriri on the Waikato River and at Orakau on the southern edge of the central Waikato district, which was then occupied by British troops. Maori from the lower and central Waikato took refuge in lands further south and east. The conflict also spread into the Bay of Plenty in 1864.

The Waikato campaign was the largest and most successful of the British military operations in the colony between 1845 and 1866. Although one of the government's main aims was achieved the Waikato was largely cleared of Maori for European settlement –  the King movement itself was not vanquished.

How to cite this page: 'Waikato War map', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/waikato-war-map, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 15-Feb-2008

Community contributions


Hi John - this map is based one that originally appeared in the NZ Historical Atlas. Like many of the plates in this publication the map challenges the 'normal' perspective of events, in this case seeing the Waikato as the British forces saw it - a place to be invaded starting from the north.

Jamie Mackay

John Rowe

The map is upside down, and the wrong way round

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