Confrontation in Borneo

All images and media


Borneo Confrontation map, 1963-66

Borneo Confrontation map, 1963-66

Borneo Confrontation cartoon

Borneo Confrontation cartoon

Tree fox mascot in  Borneo

Tree fox mascot in Borneo

Butch, the Borneo mascot

Butch, the Borneo mascot

Shrapnel, the monkey mascot

Shrapnel, the monkey mascot

Slow loris mascot

Slow loris mascot

Jungle owl mascot

Jungle owl mascot

New Zealand military headquarters in Singapore

New Zealand military headquarters in Singapore

President Sukarno of Indonesia

President Sukarno of Indonesia

British artillery position on Borneo

British artillery position on Borneo

Flag of the Royal Navy's Inshore Flotilla

Flag of the Royal Navy's Inshore Flotilla


New Zealanders in South-East Asia

New Zealanders in South-East Asia