
The homecoming from Gallipoli, by Walter Bowring

Ari Burnu Memorial, Gallipoli

Picton war memorial

Dedication of the National War Memorial Carillon, 1932

Anzac Day wreath

Anzac Day in Egypt, 1940

Dawn service, Anzac Day, Auckland 1986

Petone railway station war memorial

Poppy field, village of Pas, Somme 1918

Australian Anzac Day wreath

George Bollinger

William Malone at Gallipoli

Wreath laying at Le Quesnoy

Patea war memorial

Malone Memorial, Stratford

Landing at Anzac, April 25, 1915 by Charles Dixon

Anzac Day ceremony outside Parliament House, 1927

Charles Begg

Evelyn Brooke

Alexander Godley

Francis Twisleton

Henare Te Wainohu

Remembering Gallipoli, 1916

Anzac Day Gazette notice, 1916