Conscientious Objectors at Hautu Detention Camp, 1943
Censored letter from a conscientious objector
Nursing wounded soldiers at Wellington Hospital
2NZEF soldier returns home on furlough
Recruitment poster, 1940
Members of the EPS practise first aid
Devonport Primary School air raid shelters
Queuing for rationed goods
Home - civilian NZers remember the Second World War
'Country Lads' leaving for war
Women truck drivers
Manufacturing NZ Bren Gun carriers
Novelty newspaper in 1944
Peace in Europe
Land girls, overalls and killing knife
Pahīatua's 'Little Poland' - roadside stories
'I thought of my brothers'
'It seemed terrible to be going away and killing them'
'He was really downhearted'
'I oppose this, I wish to go'
'The manpower are on to me'
'She was not allowed to take her Maori name'
'You got much less than the men'
'At school we had air raid trenches'
'You wondered whether you'd go bush'
'It got a lot of sewing done to it during the Cassino time'
'I just couldn't get out of the bath fast enough'
'Nobody consulted us'
'We had a proper little committee'
'The fences were doubled'
'He got a letter out to us somehow'
'I thought of all the terrible six years they'd been'
'I was surprised that there was this side to him'
'All those lovely young men'