VE Day celebrations at Parliament
Karanga at opening of Parliament, 1984
Richard Seddon asleep during committee
Bellamy's cartoon, 1912
Anzac Day ceremony outside Parliament House, 1927
1930s protest outside Parliament
Anti-Vietnam War protest at Parliament
Queen Victoria memorial service, 1901
Security Intelligence Bill protests, 1977
Piccolo Charlie and his dog
Westminster traditions, House of Representatives
Parliament postcard, early 1900s
Parliament postcard, 1907
Parliament postcard, view from Sydney Street
Modern parliamentary postcard
Parliament Speaker's chair cartoon
MPs talking hot air in Parliament cartoon, 1935
Caricature of MP Vincent Pyke
Cartoon of drunk MP, 1856
Daylight saving cartoon, 1911
Women in Parliament cartoon, 1933
MPs' perks cartoon, 1893
Robert Stout pontificating cartoon, 1893
Parliamentary cartoon, 1929
Behaviour of MPs in the House cartoon
Tom Scott parliamentary cartoon, 1992
VE Day crowds at Parliament
Maori challenge at Parliament, 1975
Tommy Wells addressing waterside workers, 1951