1975, Waitangi Tribunal created
Home Images and media photos Te Tii memorial
This monument bears the full Māori text of the Treaty of Waitangi and has stood at Te Tii marae since 1880.
Claudia Orange, private collection
'Te Tii memorial', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/te-tii-memorial, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 31-Oct-2014
Declaration of Independence signed by northern chiefs
Native Land Court created
Waitangi Tribunal created
Chief Justice declares Treaty 'worthless' and a 'simple nullity'
The Treaty of Waitangi is signed
Hōne Heke cuts down the British flagstaff - again
The fall of Kororāreka
Hobson proclaims British sovereignty over NZ
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