Featherston cemetery First World War memorial

Featherston cemetery memorial Featherston cemetery memorial Featherston cemetery memorial Featherston cemetery memorial Featherston cemetery memorial Featherston cemetery memorial Featherston cemetery memorial

Featherston soldiers cemetery war memorial obelisk and war memorial wall.

See also Featherston camp death register for more information about the people listed on this memorial


Community contributions

6 comments have been posted about Featherston cemetery First World War memorial

What do you know?

gillian freeman

Posted: 24 Oct 2011

Cenotaph info on Raymond Bray, died Featherson 1918. He was my husband's grandfather and we wld like to know if any other relatives asked for research, ie xtra info posted by u re Lillian Maud Bbray his wife, they had 2 girls Nancy and Joan, Joan was my husband's mother. Nancy's family have not enquired, but other family in chch may have, but we do not know their whereabouts or names, very secretive family, no history passed on at all. Any info wld b great. rgds Gillian Freeman.


Posted: 25 Nov 2010

I would appreciate a photograph of John Wilson Filmer thanks.. so sad so many soldiers died of Influenza at the Camp.. can be added to the ever growing collection. Maori TV are doing two soldiers for their Anzac Day Programme next year from this cemetery, Thomas Clark and Guy Bridgeman. My collection on the soldiers will be shared with Heritage Museum in Featherston as well. thank you. [email protected]

Teresa Neilson-Watt

Posted: 25 Nov 2010

Hi Adele, I have been given a small box of my Gt Grandmother's photographs, and in them is one of John Wilson Filmer, in his army uniform, at what must be Featherston army camp, 7 days before he died on 10/11/18(no relation to me). I am in contact with a man with the same surname, who may well be related (he is investigating). Would you like me to send you a copy of the photo? Kind regards, Teresa Neilson-Watt

Blair Howe

Posted: 29 Dec 2009

My Grandfather RQSM Howe is buried at Featherston. He died of the flue on 11/11/1918 He left a widow and three children. Two boys and a girl. One of the sons later died of TB as a 17 yr old. Do you have a photo ohis grave? Blair Howe Myalup Western Australia.

Adele Pentony-Graham

Posted: 23 Jun 2009

If anyone has a soldier buried at Featherston, I would appreciate learning more about his family back ground please.. where he came from, town, photograph anything of interest, all the headstones have been photographed and on various websites to help us with this project. Thank you