Personal details
Full Name:
- Te Rata Mahuta Tāwhiao Pōtatau Te Wherowhero Korokī
- 1908/1909?–18 May 1966

The fifth Māori King, Korokī Te Rata Mahuta Tāwhiao Pōtatau Te Wherowhero struggled to maintain the dignity of the Kīngitanga and obtain recognition during his reign.
Read more...Events In History
18 May 1966Death of Māori King Korokī
Korokī Te Rata Mahuta Tāwhiao Pōtatau Te Wherowhero was the fifth head of the Kīngitanga movement that was founded in 1858 in response to European colonisation. Read more...
The 1960s
Five decades ago most Kiwis enjoyed a standard of living that was the envy of other nations. During the 1960s the arrival of TV and jet airliners shrank our world, and New Zealanders began to express themselves on a range of international issues, including opposition to the Vietnam War.
- Page 9 - 1966 - key eventsA selection of the key events in New Zealand history from 1966
Main image: King Korokī and Peter Fraser
King Korokī Te Rata Mahuta Tāwhiao Pōtatau Te Wherowhero with Reverend N. K. Kukutai of Te Kūiti in the background, circa 1949.