Gallery Waitangi Day

The 1940 Centennial and Post-war Observances


Centennial celebration


The Waitangi Day Act

The 1960s


Early 1970s: Protest

A National Holiday

New Zealand Day 1974

Back to Waitangi Day, 1976


Confrontation and Disruption

Labour Plays it Down


1990: Sesquicentennial

Partnership Proposals

1995 and beyond

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Apirana Ngata leading haka, 1940 (9k)Centennial: 1940
During the 1940 centennial, the government made a great show of national pride and unity at Waitangi. Newspapers talked of Waitangi as the 'cradle of the nation' and the treaty as the 'foundation of nationhood'. The treaty and Waitangi began to find a place in the national consciousness, although for most New Zealanders they had historical interest only. For a number of Maori leaders, however, the celebrations provided anNga-toki-mata-whao-rua canoe, 1940 (7k) opportunity to challenge the nation's record in race relations. Apirana Ngata observed that not everyone had something to celebrate, and Waikato tribal leaders refused to go to Waitangi, even though they had assisted in building the 30-metre canoe, Nga-toki-mata-whao-rua, that was launched there.


Postwar Observances
During the Second World War the Waitangi property was used by the army. In 1947 the navy erected a new flagpole, and from that year commemorations incorporated a naval ceremony. By 1950 several hundred attended the annual celebration (as it was called) on 6 February. Royal visits were to greatly boost public interest. In late December 1953 the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh stopped at the grounds for an hour. The visit captured the public's imagination: 'At last Waitangi comes into its own', cried the Dominion, 'and New Zealanders must see that its status is maintained and heightened.'

And they did. Throughout the 1950s the annual ceremonies at Waitangi expanded, thousands attended, and the Governor-General's speech became a feature. Forging one nation from the partnership of two races by a sacred compact was a common theme, but the often expressed ideal of 'one people' provided an excellent opportunity for Maori to protest at the shortfall between promise and practice in race relations.