Drink and be Merry: Dining Out |
the 1960s, New Zealanders wanting to dine out had a limited choice both
of venue and of food. Restaurants, cafes, dining rooms of hotels, tearooms,
coffee shops and oyster bars presented a narrow menu of grilled meats
and hearty desserts.
Alcohol could not
be served with food until
changes in the liquor licensing laws in 1961 allowed its consumption outside
hotels, including those such as the Chateau Tongariro which were run by
the government's tourism section.
Alcohol consumption
in public bars and hotels was subject to stringent regulation, although
not necessarily policing, for much of the twentieth century. Women and
Maori were not always allowed to enter hotels or to purchase alcohol,
and some districts had a total prohibition on alcohol. New Zealand introduced
six o'clock closing in 1917 as a war time measure, and in response to
the campaigns of the temperance and prohibition movements. Closing
times did not alter until 1967, when the introduction of 10 p.m. closing
marked the end of the 'six o'clock swill'. Changed closing times also
enabled the opening of a range of establishments serving alcohol, such
as the popular 1960s Auckland venue, the MonDesir Beer Garden, where women
and men mingled freely.
As the food historian
David Burton has noted, a more sophisticated culture of food, cooking
and dining out began to develop from the late 1950s. The combined influence
of New Zealanders returning from sojourns abroad and new migrant groups�members
of which helped establish New Zealand's wine-growing industry�widened
culinary expectations here. Each major centre boasted a Chinese restaurant
by 1960, and recipe books began to include more 'exotic' dishes featuring
rice, pasta and
spices. North American influences were seen in the development of hamburger
bars and the fast food chains that appeared in the 1970s�Kentucky Fried
Chicken (1970/71), followed by Pizza Hut (1975) and McDonalds (1979).
Such venues encouraged a more relaxed form of dining, like that enjoyed
by patrons of Queenstown's The Cow Pizza Restaurant in the early 1980s.
extracts from 'Fast Lunches' a Radio Digest magazine programme broadcast
on the YA network in October 1956. Fast food in the 1950s was not
quite what we understand by the term today, but the trend in food
marketing was clearly recognisable even at this early stage.
one (174k)
Clip two (244)
Clip three (141)
recording provided by Sound
Archives/Nga Taonga Korero, Copyright Radio New Zealand. Ref:
will need Real Player G2 to play the sound clips.
