The 1920s

Page 13 – Further information

This web feature was written by Neill Atkinson and produced by the team.


Books and other publications

  • Stephen Barnett (comp.), Those were the days: a nostalgic look at the 1920s from the pages of the Weekly News, Hodder Moa Beckett, Auckland, 1988
  • R.M. Burdon, The new Dominion: a social and political history of New Zealand, 1918–1939, Allen & Unwin, London, 1965
  • Bronwyn Dalley and Gavin McLean (eds), Frontier of dreams: the story of New Zealand, Hodder Moa Beckett, Auckland, 2005
  • Patrick Day, The radio years: a history of broadcasting in New Zealand, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 1994
  • Miles Fairburn, ‘The Farmers Take Over (1912–1930)’, in Keith Sinclair (ed.), The Oxford illustrated history of New Zealand, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, Auckland, 1997
  • Turnbull Library Record 2009, vol. 42, Wellington, 2010 (contains articles on the Prince of Wales’ tour, Anna Pavlova’s visit and jazz in 1920s New Zealand)
How to cite this page

'Further information', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012