Helensville memorials

We have three Helensville memorials on the register – click on thumbnails for images and more information:

Please let use know if you have information about these or other Helensville memorials (they don't just have to be war ones). You can either email us directly at [email protected] or add a community contribution at the end of this page.

Further information about Helensville

From Wises NZ Guide: 'The settlement, created a town district in 1883, and a borough in 1947, takes its name from the rather grand home 'Helensvilla' built by pioneer John McLeod and named after his wife Helen. Maori name: Awaroa meaning "long valley"'.

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How to cite this page: 'Helensville memorials', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/culture/helensville-memorials, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 27-Feb-2012

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