New Zealand Special Air Service (SAS) soldiers practise jumping from a Vickers Valetta of the Royal Air Force Far East Transport Wing. Original caption reads: ‘800ft to ground in 45 seconds. Chute opens in 5 secs.’
Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference: M-0456-F
Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa, must be obtained before any re-use of this image
" Original caption reads: ‘800ft to ground in 45 seconds. Chute opens in 5 secs."
If the Chute does not open... the trip to the ground takes 4 seconds...
Or as my Stick Instructor said...
you have 4 seconds to look hit grip and pull and look away.. or the rest of your life... which ever comes first...
Because you are plummeting through the sky downwards..
RIP Flight Sargent Frank Rodgers RNZAF
My Stick Instructor
I saw very similar photos to this in Earl Yandell's office
Earl was one of the Troop Commanders. He still kept in touch with the squadron. He was able to identify one of the PTSU instructors in a photo I showed him
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