Portrait of Te Rangihaeata

Portrait of the Ngāti Toa leader and warrior, Te Rangihaeata.

Te Rangihaeata and his uncle, Te Rauparaha, led their tribe during the Wairau incident of 1843. Te Rangihaeata’s wife, Te Rongo, was killed during the fighting and he took utu (revenge) by killing the Europeans taken prisoner at Wairau.


Alexander Turnbull Library
Reference: A-114-046
Artist: R. Hall
Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa, must be obtained before any re-use of this image

How to cite this page: 'Portrait of Te Rangihaeata', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/te-rangihaeata, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 19-Mar-2013

Community contributions

30 Oct 2013

Ko te ahua o te whenua Raupatu ki ahau nei he porewarewa, Mai te tau 1860 I heke haere te whenua I purutia te maori, na te karauna te take. He miharo ahau ki nga mahi o nga Rangatira pera ia Te Rauparaha me Pā Apirana Ngata, na te mea I tautohetohe raua ki te karauna kia kore ai rātou e hokona I te whenua, a, ka miharo hoki ahau ki nga mahi tau ke rawa o Pā Apirana Ngata ki te whakamutu I te Raupatutanga.

08 Jun 2011
To those with a willing interest in factual history of the Horowhenua. Te Rangihaeata is an ancestor of the Ngati Huia ki Poroutawhao hapu in Levin (Horowhenua). His mother (and also maternal uncle Te Rauparaha) were of the Ngati Huia people by his maternal grandmother. As a descendant of Ngati Huia ki Poroutawhao I can attest to his resting place, the urupa of Ngati Huia ki Porotawhao at Paeroa. The written historical records continue to eroneously restate that Te Rangihaeata was of Ngati Toa tribal lineage only, when in fact, his descendants in Levin will inform anyone (including our Ngati Toa kin) that he finally settled (and died) in Poroutawhao on the northern outskirts of Levin. We, the people of Ngati Huia ki Poroutawhao remain to this day his living legacy and deserve to be recognised by all who have an interest in knowing the factual history of this famous Rangatira Maori. Koina te pono

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