Maori language petition, 1972

Maori language petition being delivered to Parliament on 14 September 1972.

See community contribtutions below for more information.


Fairfax Sunday Newspapers
Auckland Star collection

Not to be reused without permission.

How to cite this page: 'Maori language petition, 1972', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 20-Dec-2012

Community contributions

Lalé Eskicioglu
22 Oct 2013

I am writing from Ottawa, Canada. I am doing a paper on the recent history of the Maori language and I find the information on this page very useful. This language's journey has been remarkable and a success story thanks to all those mentioned on this web site who didn't give up. Thanks to you this language is alive and well today, and this makes us all a richer people. What a shame it would have been to lose this language. Thank you for this great website, I have learned so much.

Lalé Eskicioglu, Canada

Robyn McIntyre
26 Jan 2013

My mother Teri McIntyre being an adult student , would like to bring me to the weekly meetings at VU , as she said just to remind others that she was a grown up , with a 11 yr old daughter , that and that we were joined at the hip, so I do remember many of those occasions, particularly a talk by Bobby Sykes , the whole experience and many others with other groups my mother worked with MWWL showed taught me that political change is possible , that grass roots orgs can affect change, I have always been very proud of my mother for being part of a movement that changed the N Z she grew up in , ( not being allowed to speak Maori at school) ,I do remember the achievement of the first Maori spoken on the radio ,As the years have passed since my mothers early death in 1974, I have not been able to collect memories of my mother from those who knew her then to share with my brothers and nieces , yes I was that well behaved quiet gangly girl at my mothers side every week , hope to hear from you R

John Mccaffery
17 Jul 2012
40 years on –Te Wa o Te Reo Maori.
Personal Histories of the Revival of Te Reo Māori in Aotearoa/ New Zealand: 40 Years on- John McCaffery & Joe Te Rito, Te Reo Maori Society ki te University of Auckland. [email protected] [email protected]
DRAFT OF TIMELINE AND NOTES for the NZ National Archives and Taura Whiri I Te Reo Maori( Maori Language Commission) from John McCaffery & Joe Te Rito, Te Reo Maori Society ki te University of Auckland. See also articles attached from John and Joe). Our apologies for our memory lapses as we are happy to be corrected or have additional material added. Use of this material with the permission of the authors and acknowledged please.
This year 2012 will be 40 years on the 14th September 2012 (which became the first Te ra o te reo Maori) since the first National Maori Language Day was held in 1972, at which the Maori Language Petition was presented to parliament- a very special occasion. The day was the idea of Te Reo Maori Society, VUW, (Rangi Nicholson, Ngati Raukawa actually) In 1975 after three exciting years and rapidly growing support and involvement, Te Reo Maori expanded the day to a full week, Te Wiki o te Reo Maori.
The idea of a petition came from Hana Jackson (nee Hemara)and Nga Tamatoa UoA. University. Together with Te Reo Maori Society(TRM) Victoria University Wellington, Nga Tamatoa in Auckland and Te Reo Maori in Wellington collected 30,000 signatures. Because Te Reo Maori had already held a Wellington regional Maori language day on the 14th September 1971 the August /September student break, it was agreed that this would be a good time to take the petition to Parliament, on the 14th September 1972 making it into a national day for te reo.
A Huinga Rangatahi (Federation of Maori Students) hui at CHCH in 1971 had appointed Joseph Te Rito President. Joe Te Rito and Rangi Nicholson at a TRM meeting at Weir House VUW, proposed a Maori Language Day in 1971.This took place on Sept 14, 1971. Dr Richard Benton from NZCER published the first Bilingual Education strategy (with Te Reo Maori) and was the guest speaker. Because of Richard’s research and belief that only bilingual immersion education could save the language Bilingual Education became TRM goal, struggle and tumanako. TRM organizers with National Council of Churches also published an Akonga Te Reo Maori half page Wellington newspaper feature. It called on all New Zealanders to learn and teach Maori for the good of all in the nation. Many Churches came on board through the National Council work of Rev Don Borrie. The strategy was very successful. However the documents show that in 1971 TRM had to pay for adverts on radio to get announcers to say Kia Ora @ $1 a time- we still have receipts. E hika ma ! Generally the work of Te Reo Maori is still not well known as little has been written or told about our activities in Wellington and until now most of the Petition work and the struggle for Te Reo has been attributed only to Nga Tamatoa which was based in Auckland.
1970 Inia Te Wiata died. His tangi was at Rangiatea and Otaki marae. Koro Dewes and TRM students attended. In In 1971 also was the first National Maori Language Teachers Refresher Course held at Fielding High School; Koro Dewes Chairperson, Secretary John Moorefield, Te Oenuku Reedy, Mason Durie, Sam Karetu, Pa Gupwell (Otaki St Peter Chanel), all teachers of Maori secondary, Advisors and Dept Officers, Turoa Royal, Sonny Wilson , Alan Smith, Rev Napi Waaka, University Maori staff and some students including the author, John McCaffery.
1971 also saw Minister of Education Phil Amos Gazette a Maori in Primary and Intermediate Schools policy. Tamati Reedy was senior Officer under Alan Smith Alan asked for the policy to further in to bilingual schooling but could not get political support at that time. Te reo maori was already in some Secondary from 1965-7.
In 1971 also Pine Taiapa & Arnold Reedy die. A huge loss. 1971 saw the Coronation Hui, Turangawaewae Ngaruawahia- Canon Hepa Taepa (Rangiatea Otaki) leader. Kawe mate o Inia te Wiata. (Ngati Raukawa trip) Piri Poutapu (tohunga hanga waka still building at Turangawaewae) Tanui relations with East Coast renewed via Mahinarangi connections.
Te Reo Maori moved Maori Language Day to Te Wa o Te Reo Māori/ Māori Language Week in 1975 to the July school break.TRM worked on the strategy that if we made it successful the Ministry of Education would come and join us, take it over and run it for us all which they did very shortly afterwards.
Hana, Sid and Nga Tamatoa had been collecting signatures on the Petition with Te Reo Maori Society assistance since the beginning of 1972. They came to Whaiwhetu Marae ( Te Atiawa) in May 1972, to the Huinga Rangatahi Hui ( the Federation of Maori Tertiary Students) to plan support for the petition presentation in September . Tama Iti was at that time one of the very few young speakers of Maori at that Hui. A partnership between Nga Tamatoa and Te Reo Māori was formed under Huinga Rangatahi with strong support from Waikato and Massey.
The te reo Māori Petition contained over 30,000 signatures and was presented to Parliament on 14th September, 1972 (Archive NZ: ) The umbrella organisation was the Federation of Maori Students. It included the University of Waikato and Massey students and Staff-Sam Karetu & John Moorefield; Palmerston North John Tapiata; CHCH with Charles Royal, Bill Gillies. Later venues at Whatawhata Waikato 1973/4?,… Maori Language Day change to Te Wa o Te Reo Māori/ Māori Language Week in 1975 but was originally in September around the petition day. Moved back later to July school break in 1975. We worked on the strategy that if we made it successful the Ministry of Education would come and take it over and run it for us.
On the 14th September the first Ra o Te Reo Maori the petition was to be taken to parliament. While there were at least two television / film cameras present we have not yet been able to track the presentation on film. Can anyone help?
With Te Reo Maori kaumatua - Te Ouenuku Rene (Joe) Ngati Toa, Ngati Raukawa, Rangatane, Nga Puhi….. in front carrying the patu of Te Wera Hauraki, his Tipuna from Nga Puhi Joe Rene to performed the "tuku toanga" over the petition. He was also known as the King of Durville being a direct descendent and paramount chief of Ngati Toa and Ngati Raukawa. He lived on the hill at Titahi bay behind Toa Rangatira marae and was a regular contributer to VUW and Te Reo Maori research activities on the history and settlement of the Whanganui a Tara Wellinton area recorded by TRM VUW student John McCaffery.
Next to him walking across the marae of Parliament was Koro (Te Kapunga Matemoana) Dewes Ngati Porou Horoera East Cape. In the front row also was Hana with husband Sid and Rawiri Paratene with his afro. Koro who died in 2011 was the Head of Maori Studies at Victoria University in the Dept of Anthropology and Maori on Kelburn Parade. He was the primary source of inspiration for the Te Reo Maori Society which he supported and inspired all his life. Nga mihi nui ki a koe e Koro. Central to Te Reo Maori history in the front of the photo also is Koro’s daughter Cathy Dewes, her tane Rawiri Rangitauira (Te Arawa lawyer) son Whaimutu Dewes, Joseph Te Rito (Ngati Kahungungu), Rangi Nicholson Ngati Raukawa, TRM kaumatua Rev Hemi Potatau (Ngati Kahungungu, Nuhaka, but lived at Taupo, his wife's tribal area).
Also present in the front row Rawiri Paratene ( corrected in the National Archives photo by Marama Davidson, May 2012) Also present was Lee Smith (Ngati Kahungungu). Lee was both a Te Reo Maori Society and an Auckland Nga Tama Toa member and a key link between the organisations. He worked with Dr Richard Benton on the Maori languages Survey and as a lecturer at VUW. He also worked for Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori/ Maori Language Commission as is largely responsible with Joe Te Rito,and Robert Pouwhare for telling the stories about the very origins of the struggles for the reo in education and broadcasting- Also in the photo with an afro on the the right behind Koro is Whaimutu Dewes, Koro's son and daughter Cathy in the photo is Huirahi Waikerepuru, Rangi Nicholson,Roger Steel( now book publisher) Mere te Awa (Kaikohe), Rev Hakopa te Whata(Kaikohe), Bernie Kernot(VuW). Peter McLean( VuW, Jamie Schuster(Te Arawa) Maori Grads organisation in support of Te Reo Maori but not all present,some for obvious reasons as Ministry of Education staff; included- Tipene O'Regan,John Dayal,Api Mahiika, Tamati Reedy, Turoa Royal, and others from the De Bretts Marae Poneke. The 1972 Language Petition was followed by the 1978 Broadcasting Petition .
Te Reo Maori Society was formed at Victoria University of Wellington( VUW) in 1969. Patron Te Kapunga Matemoana (Koro) Dewes (Horoera, Te Araroa). While Nga Tama Toa concentrated on the political issue of the teaching of Māori in secondary schools, Te Reo Maori Society set out firstly to develop the Reo ability of its members and through that activism revive the language among the next generation of young people in primary schools through Bilingual/ Immersion education in schools and radio and television. The work of Dr Richard Benton in Bilingual education provide a major source of inspiration for how schools were central to this strategy. Walking the talk has always been Te Reo Māori approach. How could we urge others to learn and teach Te Reo if we ourselves were not also on that journey? Te Reo Māori always agued that it was important to use traditional Māori ways of protesting and arguing our case and that to do otherwise threatened to destroy the very things were said we wanted to maintain and revive. Adopting Pākeha strategies of public protest could be used by others, but we were very reluctant to do so. Kotahi anake te kaupapa; ko Te Reo Maori, mai rano…
Foundation members included- Cathy Dewes, Whaimutu Dewes, Pine Dewes, John McCaffery, Pa Conaghan, Teri McIntyre, Mere te Awa, (Nga Puhi /.Ratana), Robert Pouwhare, Lee Smith, Parker Tawhai, John McCaffery, Robert Pouwhare … From 1970, Yr 1 Maori included Joe Te Rio, Pia Tamahori, Whai Dewes, Donna Ngaronoa-Gardner, Rawiri Rangitauira, Rangi Nicholson, Robyn Pene, Alice Coromandel, Tom Roa, Hakopa / Shirley Te Whata, Roger Steel , Anaru Robb, Adrian van der Schaaf, Dianne Pomare ( Principal, KKM Sandringham), Rev Hemi Potatau ( Kahungungu, Mahia, lived Taupo with Wife’s iwi), Mere Boyce, Miki Rikihana, Tom Rangihuna, his sister Frances Rangihuna, Kath Stoddart, Anne Garrick, Murray Gadd,…. Dianne Prince and on the fringes at arms length Dun Mihaka many others… Other students of the time included : Huirangi Waikerepuru, George Parekowhai…
At Wellinton Teachers College (WTC) were: Lynette Hawkins, Ian Leckie, Murray Gadd, Jamie Schuster ( Te Arawa), & many more. A special relationship existed with the Wellinton Maori Grads Association which included: Api, Karen , Buddy Mahuika, Tipene O’Regan, John Dayall Turoa Royal, Tamati/ Tilly Reedy, Cass Tangaere and family …. Partnership with Wellington Teachers College (WTC) Maori Club -students and staff - Ian Leckie, Iwi Henare, (Bones), Jamie Schuster,… Staff- Barry Metcalf, Tipene (Steve) O’Regan, Keri Kaa, John & Teremoana Hodges( Cook Is) Brandon Int Porirua ) … From 1966 onwards WTCtook trips up the Whanganui to restore Whare, to Kapiti Is and Wairarapa. Barry Metcalf first modern education Pakeha/ Maori. WTC was the first Teachers College to have a Polynesian Studies and a te reo Māori programme was part of the Social Studies Department. VUW Tutors included - Abe Hurihanganui, Peter Mclean, Bill Parker, later Api Mahuika, Tamati Kruger. Great support from Ted & Rachel (Barrett, Waikato) Douglas, Geography Dept VUW. Joan Metge and Bernie Kernot in Anthoropology.( Anthro students also supportive were Timi & Georgina Te Heuheu). VUW refused to establish a Maori Studies Dept ; Māori was part of Anthropology at that time as it was at Auckland University also.
Te Reo Maori met every week in VUW Tennis Pavilion on Kelburn Rd while campaigning for a University Marae: visit schools for kapa haka, promote on radio and knock on doors,.. Te Reo Univ classes changed significantly from 1971 on to a young peoples class -1st year ever with many Pakeha students also .TRM adopted a Tuakana /Teina model for Maori Pakeha relations and operations. This philosophy guided our strategies and did in fact happen.
In fact Te Reo Maori ran the Language Campaign for everyone- Schools then Radio then TV. Campaign started at VUW spread to WTC, then to Schools, then after having to pay for Radio NZ announcers to say Kia Ora on the Radio for Te Ra o Te Reo Maori to radio then to TV. A second petition was presented to parliament in 1978 on Maori Broadcasting especially TV. The establishment of Maori TV was one of our great dreams and shared achievements.
Spread over years 1969- 2012- 40 plus years of struggle. From NZCER with Richard Benton’s Maori research unit was Tawini Rangihau, Hiria Tumoana, and Lee Smith. Richard Benton’s 1973-1979 survey showed under 15% of 0-15yrs could speak Maori. Got down to under 11% by 1987.Facing language loss this generation.
From 1969 on Pine Taiapa and elders come regularly to VUW Wgton to speak to students & Koro. Pine later gifted his family marae at Tikitiki to TRM for use and kaitiakitanga. John McCaffery was responsible for making tape recordings and building the collection of Oral History 1969- 1976. (Now gone to National Archives as the Koro Dewes collection) John was on call 24/7. Slept/ lived at Koro and Kura’s place. John Miller was the key photographer supported and mentored by Joan Metge. We believe he has many photos of the time.
Others who came to VUW to talk to classes and TRM included: Eruera & Amira Stirling; Te Oenuku Rene; Arnold Reedy; Ruka Broughton;( Taranaki), Richard Benton, ( Taitokerau- Nga Puhi); Jock McEwen ( Sec Maori Affairs , NZ Resident Niue); Rev Tawhao Tioka Eddie McLoud ( Taranaki Sec NZMC); Canon Hepa Taepa (Rangiatea Otaki); John Rangihau( Tuhoe ); Bill Parker, (Ngati Porou; Radio NZ); Api Mahuika,(Ngaiti Porou); Joe Malcom, (Te Arawa);Tamati Reedy; Rangi Dewes (Ngati Porou); Maori Graduates Association ( De Bretts Marae Lambton Quay ) supporting TRM: John Dyall, Tipene O’Regan,( Ngai Tahu), Api Mahuika, Rangi Dewes,Koro Dewes, Joe Malcom, Willy Kaa, MoE Ngati Porou Officers… Often met at De Bretts Hotel- A tight group and politically very effective. Department of Education - Director Alan Smith (Tane of Miriam, Kimi’s Watermellon) Also Turoa Royal, Sonny Wilson, Whare Te Moana(Whanau -a-Apanui), John Hunia,( Whakatohea) John Tapiata, Willy Kaa, Rose & Joe Pere,(Tuhoe/ Rongowhakata) Bill Gillies,( Kahungungu/ Ngai Tahu) Sonny Taara,(Ngati Porou) Miriam Pewhairangi, ( ECE Ngati Porou) Gabrielle Rikihana ( Ngait Raukawa) Monty Ohia ( Ngai Te Rangi, Taurangi), Anita Moke ( Waikato), Erana Coulter ( School/s Hamilton ),Cass Tangaere( Tairawhiti),Wally Penetito, Arnold Reedy and Arts team Para Matchett ma.
In Auckland was the English language Team of the Maori Education Division. - Jim Leabourne, Lionel Mickel, Tupae Pepe,.. other Pacific staff… 1971-1990 Lopdell House Titirangi and Hogben House ChCh in- service courses were held annually for programme, policy and strategic planning advice. (Huinga o te Kahurangi e hika ma.) For each Hui reports, tapes and written records produced, waiata composed and strategies decided. The 1974 Maori Affairs Act was finally amended in 1985 after much protest and lobbying to recognize Maori as the official language of Maori, not the nation. Dun Mihaka’s appeal against a conviction to present his case in Maori was turned down in Court of Appeal prompting the protests. (
Te Reo Maori Society continued its activities well into the late 10980s joined forces as part of the Wellington Maori Language Board to support the Wellington Maori Radi , the 1985/6 Waitangi Maori Education Claim which found education in NZ was being operated in Breach of the Treaty and the Radio and Television rights claims to the Privy Council which eventually led to the establishment of Maori radio and Maori Television.
During this time braches were developed at Te Reo Maori ki Otara (Tame( Tom & Robyn Roa (Tainui) ; Tahi Tait (Tuhoe ki Rotorua) Wasi Shortland; Peter Brown; Huia Martin , Miro Stephens; Aggie & Peter Theodore ( Taitokerau); John McCaffery; Angie & Chubby Hamiora) me etahi atu tangata.
In Rotorua Cathy Dewes and Rawiri Rangitauira founded Te Reo Maori ki Rotorua which led to the establishment of Te Kura Kaupapa o Ruamata. Cathy became chair of the Rununga o KKM and member of Maori TV Board. In Heretaunga Joseph Te Rito established taught at Omahu Bilingual School and ran the Kahungugu Maori Radio.
Otira kei te mihi atu maua ko Joe ki a ratou katou e whawhai nei mo tenei moemoea a te reo. Ratou kua whe atu ki te po, haere atu ra. Tatou ki a tatou te hunga ora, kia ora tatou katoa.
Marama Davidson
26 May 2012
I just asked Rawiri Paratene himself. It is indeed him up the front with Paul Kotare and Hana. Thanks.
John McCaffery
12 Jan 2012
Personal Histories of the Revival of Te Reo Māori in Aotearoa/ New Zealand: 40 Years on Kotahi to kohau o te ngira- ma pago ma whero ka oti te mahi DRAFT OF TIMELINE AND NOTES John McCaffery & Joe Te Rito Use of this material only with the permission of the authors and acknowledged. Te Reo Maori Society was formed at Victoria University of Wellington( VUW) in 1969. Patron Te Kapunga Matemoana (Koro) Dewes (Horoera, Te Araroa). The history and work of Te Reo Maori Soc is not well known to date, only the Auckland Group Nga Tama Toa have been written about so far. While Nga Tama Toa concentrated on the political issue of the teaching of Māori in secondary schools, Te Reo Maori Society set out firstly to develop the Reo ability of its members and through that activism revive the language among the next generation of young people in primary schools through Bilingual/ Immersion education in schools and radio and television. The work of Dr Richard Benton in Bilingual education provide a major source of inspiration for how schools were central to this strategy. Walking the talk has always been Te Reo Māori approach. How could we urge others to learn and teach Te Reo if we ourselves were not also on that journey? Te Reo Māori always agued that it was important to use traditional Māori ways of protesting and arguing our case and that to do otherwise threatened to destroy the very things were said we wanted to maintain and revive. Adopting Pākeha strategies of public protest could be used by others, but we were very reluctant to do so. Foundation members included- Cathy Dewes, Whaimutu Dewes, Pine Dewes, , John McCaffery, Pa Conaghan, Teri McIntyre, Mere te Awa, (Nga Puhi /.Ratana), Robert Pouwhare, Lee Smith, Parker Tawhai, John McCaffery, Robert Pouwhare … From 1970, Yr 1 Maori: Joe Te Rio, Pia Tamahori, Whai Dewes, Donna Ngaronoa-Gardner, Rawiri Rangitauira, Rangi Nicholson, Robyn Pene, Alice Coromandel, Tom Roa, Hakopa / Shirley Te Whata, Roger Steel , Anaru Robb, Adrian van der Schaaf, Dianne Pomare ( Principal, KKM Sandringham), Rev Hemi Potatau ( Kahungungu, Mahia, lived Taupo with Wife’s iwi), Mere Boyce, Miki Rikihana, Tom Rangihuna, his sister Frances Rangihuna, Kath Stoddart, Anne Garrick, Murray Gadd,…. Dianne Prince and on the fringes at arms length Dun Mihaka many others… Other students of the time included : Huirangi Waikerepuru, George Parekowhai… At Wellinton Teachers College (WTC) were: Lynette Hawkins, Ian Leckie, Murray Gadd, Jamie Schuster, & many more. A special relationship existed with the Wellinton Maori Grads Association which included: Api, Karen , Buddy Mahuika, Tipene O’Regan, John Dayall Turoa Royal, Tamati/ Tilly Reedy, Cass Tangaere and family …. Founders of Maori Language Day and Week and the campaign for Te Reo in Schools, Maori Radio and Maori TV. Kotahi anake te kaupapa; ko Te Reo Maori, mai rano… Partnership with Wellington Teachers College (WTC) Maori Club -students and staff - Ian Leckie, Iwi Henare, (Bones), Jamie Schuster,… Staff- Barry Metcalf, Steve(Tipene) O’Regan, Keri Kaa, John & Teremoana Hodges( Cook Is) Brandon Int Porirua ) … 1966 onwards WTC trips up the Whanganui to restore Whare, to Kapiti Is and Wairarapa. Barry Metcalf first modern education Pakeha/ Maori. First Teachers College to have a Polynesian Studies and Te Reo Māori programme as part of the Social Studies Department. VUW Tutors included - Abe Hurihanganui, Peter Mclean, Bill Parker, later Api Mahuika, Tamati Kruger. Great support from Ted & Rachel (Barrett, Waikato) Douglas, Geography Dept VUW. Joan Metge and Bernie Kernot in Anthoropology.( Anthro students also supportive were Timi & Georgina Te Heuheu). VUW refused to establish a Maori Studis Dept ; Māori was part of Anthropology at that time as it was at Auckland University also. Te Reo Maori met every week in VUW Tennis Pavilion on Kelburn Rd while campaigning for a University Marae: visit schools for kapa haka, promote on radio and knock on doors,.. Te Reo Univ classes change 1971 on to a young peoples class -1st year ever; many Pakeha students.1970/1. Adopt a Tuakana /Teina model for Maori Pakeha relations and operations. Joe Te Rito and Rangi Nicholson at Weir House TRM committee hui propose a National Maori Language Day in 1971. Happens on Sept 14, 1971. TRM focuses on schools and broadcasting. Radio NZ 1ZB, adverts and greetings- Tena kutus !! Hana, Sid and Nga Tamatoa come to Whaiwhetu Marae ( Te Atiawa) May 1972, to the Huinga Rangatahi Hui to plan support for the petition presentation. Tama Iti only real speaker of Maori at that Hui at this time. A partnership between Nga Tama Toa and Te Reo Māori formed. The Te Reo Māori Petition contained over 30,000 signatures and was presented to Parliament on 14th September, 1972 (Archive NZ) - The umbrella organisation was the Federation of Maori Students Waikato students ( Staff Sam Karetu & John Moorefield), Palmerston (John Tapiata) CHCH with Charles Royal, Bill Gillies… Hui at CHCH 1971, Joe appointed President Huinga Rangatahi Conference/ hui. Later venues at Whatawhata Waikato 1973/4?,… 1971 Te Ra o Te Reo Maori Richard Benton publishes 1st bilingual Education strategy (with Te Reo Maori) Bilingual Education becomes TRM goal, struggle and tumanako. TRM organizers with National Council of Churches to publish an Akonga Te Reo Maori half page newspaper adds. Churches on board strategy successful. Had to pay for adverts on radio- announcers to say Kia Ora @ $1 a time- we still have receipts. E hika ma ! Maori Language Day change to Te Wa o Te Reo Māori/ Māori Language Week in 1975 but was originally in September around the petition day. Moved back later to July school break in 1975. We worked on the strategy that if we made it successful the Ministry of Education would come and take it over and run it for us. This philosophy guided our strategies and did in fact happen. In fact Te Reo Maori ran the Language Campaign for everyone- Schools then Radio then TV. Campaign started at VUW spread to WTC, then to Schools, then after having to pay for Radio NZ announcers to say Kia Ora on the Radio for Te Ra o Te Reo Maori to radio then to TV. Petition to Parliament 1978 on Maori Broadcasting especially TV. The establshment of Maori TV was one of our great dreams and shared achievements. Spread over years 1969- 2009- 40 years of struggle. From NZCER with Richard Benton’s Maori research unit was Tawini Rangihau, Hiria Tumoana, and Lee Smith. Richard Benton’s 1973-1979 survey showed under 15% of 0-15yrs could speak Maori. Got down to under 8% by 1987.Facing language loss this generation. From 1969 on Pine Taiapa and elders come regularly to VUW Wgton to speak to students & Koro. Pine later gifts his family marae at Tikitiki to TRM for use and kaitiakitanga. John McCaffery responsible for making tape recordings and building the collection of Oral History 1969- 1976. (Now gone to National Archives) John on call 24/7. Slept/ lived at Koro and Kura’s place. John Miller photographer with Joan Metge. May have many photos of the time. Others who come include- Eruera & Amira Stirling; Te Oenuku Rene; Arnold Reedy; Ruka Broughton;( Taranaki), Richard Benton, ( Taitokerau- Nga Puhi); Jock McEwen ( Sec Maori Affairs , NZ Resident Niue); Rev Tawhao Tioka Eddie McLoud ( Taranaki Sec NZMC); Canon Hepa Taepa (Rangiatea Otaki); John Rangihau( Tuhoe ); Bill Parker, (Ngati Porou; Radio NZ); Api Mahuika,(Ngaiti Porou); Joe Malcom, (Te Arawa);Tamati Reedy; Rangi Dewes (Ngati Porou); Maori Graduates Association ( De Bretts Marae Lambton Quay ) supporting TRM: John Dyall, Tipene O’Regan,( Ngai Tahu), Api Mahuika, Rangi Dewes,Koro Dewes, Joe Malcom, Willy Kaa, MoE Ngati Porou Officers… Often met at De Bretts Hotel- A tight group and politically very effective. Department of Education - Director Alan Smith (Tane of Miriam, Kimi’s Watermellon) Also Turoa Royal, Sonny Wilson, Whare Te Moana(Whanau -a-Apanui), John Hunia,( Whakatohea) John Tapiata, Willy Kaa, Rose & Joe Pere,(Tuhoe/ Rongowhakata) Bill Gillies,( Kahungungu/ Ngai Tahu) Sonny Taara,(Ngati Porou) Miriam Pewhairangi, ( ECE Ngati Porou) Gabrielle Rikihana ( Ngait Raukawa) Monty Ohia ( Ngai Te Rangi, Taurangi), Anita Moke ( Waikato), Erana Coulter ( School/s Hamilton ),Cass Tangaere( Tairawhiti),Wally Penetito, Arnold Reedy and Arts team Para Matchett ma. Plus the English language Team - Jim Leabourne, Lionel Mickel, Tupae Pepe,.. other Pacific staff… 1971-1990 Lopdell House Titirangi and Hogben House ChCh in- service courses held annually for programme, policy and strategic planning advice. (Huinga o te Kahurangi e hika ma.)For each Hui reports, tapes and written records produced, waiata composed and strategies decided. 1970- Inia Te Wiata dies. Tangi at Rangiatea Otaki. Koro and students attend. 1971- Phil Amos Ed Gazette Maori in Primary and Intermediate Schools policy. Tamati Reedy senior Officer under Alan Smith Director asked to develop the policy further. Te Reo already some Secondary from 1965-7. John goes to all MoE meetings as mokai/ whangai. 1971- Pine Taiapa & Arnold Reedy die. Huge loss. 1971 - First National Maori Language Teachers Refresher Course held Fielding High School- Koro Dewes Chairperson, Secretary John Moorefield, Te Oenuku Reedy, Mason Durie, Sam Karetu, Pa Gupwell (Otaki St Peter Chanel), all teachers of Maori secondary, Advisors and Dept Officers, Turoa Royal, Rev Napi Waaka, University Maori staff and some students including John. 1971 Coronation Hui, Turangawaewae Ngaruawahia- Canon Hepa Taepa (Rangiatea Otaki) leader. Kawe mate o Inia te Wiata. (Ngati Raukawa trip) Piri Poutapu (tohunga hanga waka still building at Turangawaewae) Tanui relations with East Coast renewed via Mahinarangi connections. 1974 Maori Affairs Act amended to recognize Maori as the official language of Maori, not the nation. Dun Mihaka’s appeal to present his case in Maori turned down in Court of Appeal. More to come
John McCaffery
12 Jan 2012
The afro in the front of the picture is Lee Smith (Ngati Kahungungu). Lee was both a Te Reo Maori Society and an Auckland Nga Tama Toa member and a key link between the organisations. He worked with Dr Richard Benton on the Maori languages Survey and as a lecturer at VUW. He also worked for Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori/ Maori Language Commission as is largely responsible with Joe Te Rito,and Robert Pouwhare for telling the stories about the very origins of the struggles for the reo in education and broadcasting- Also in the photo withe afro on the the right behind Koro is Whaimutu Dewes, Koro's son and Cathyin the photo is Huirahi Waikerepuru,Rangi Nicholson,Roger Steel( now book publisher) Mere te Awa (Kaikohe), Rev Hakopa te Whata(Kaikohe), Bernie Kernot(VuW). Peter McLean( VuW, Jamie Schuster(Te Arawa) Maori Grads organisation in support of Te Reo Maori but not all present,some for obvious reasons as Ministry of Education staff; included- Tipene O'Regan,John Dayall?,Api Mahiika, Tamati Reedy, Turoa Royal,and others from the De Bretts Marae Poneke. The 1972 Language Petition was followed by the 1978 Broadcasting Petition .. more to follow
Marama Davidson
14 Sep 2011
I've always thought that the man up the front with the long overcoat and the big afro - was Rawiri Paratene?
John McCaffery
24 Aug 2011
This will be 40 years on the 14th September 2012 (which became the first Te Ra o Te Reo Maori) a very special occasion. As a founding memeber of the Te Reo Maori Society Wellinton, Victoria University, I am in this photo. Together with Hana Jackson (nee Hemara)and Nga Tamatoa we Te Reo Maori Society, collected the signatures and took them to Parliament. The work of Te Reo Maori is not well known as little has been written -and told about our activities in Wellington and until now most of the Petition work and the struggle for Te Reo has been attributed only to Nga Tamatoa which was based in Auckland.
Our kaumatua was in front - Te Ouenuku Rene (Joe) Ngati Toa Ngati Raukawa Rangatane Nga Puhi . He carries the patu of Te Wera Hauraki his Tipuna from Nga Puhi. to perform the "tuku toanga" over the petition. He was also known as the King of Durville being a direct descendent and paramaout chief of Ngati Toa and Ngati Raukawa.he lived ion th hill at Titahi bay behind Toa Rangatira marae and was a regular contributer to VUW and Te Reo Maori research activities on the history and settlemenyt of the Whanganui a Tara Wellinton area recored by student John McCaffery. Next to him is Koro (Te Kapunga Matemoana) Dewes Ngati Porou Horoera East Cape. Koro who died this year in 2011 was the Head of Maori Studies at Victoria in the Dept of Anthropology on Kelburn Parade. He was the primary source of inspiration for the Te Reo Maori Society which he supported and inspired all his life. Nga mihi nui ki a koe e Koro.Central to Te Reo Maori history in the front of the photo also is Cathy Dewes, her tane Rawiri Rangitauira (Te Arawa lawyer) Whaimutu Dewes, Joseph Te Rito (Ngati Kahungungu), Rangi Nicholson Ngati Raukawa, Rev Hemi Potatau (Ngati Kahungungu but lived at Taupo his wife's tribe. ..... Next to Hana in the fornt is Lee Smith from Te Reo Maori and Nga Tamatoa -he takawaenga a Lee I will send down a copy of the photo with all the others names on asap Please remind me
Paora Tibble
14 Sep 2010
Aroha mai, I have a question. What was the date of this photo?

What do you know?