This web feature was written by John E. Martin and produced by the team.LinksParliament (Te Ara)BooksMartin, John E. The House: New Zealand's House of Representatives 1854–2004, Dunmore Press, 2004
A crowd of 50,000 greeted Queen Elizabeth II as she arrived at Parliament. This was the first time New Zealand's Parliament was opened by a reigning monarch.
Between April and June 1868 the first four Māori MPs were elected to New Zealand's Parliament. Despite ongoing debate, the Māori seats remain a distinctive feature of this country's electoral landscape 140 years later.
New Zealand's early politicians encouraged Parliament to adopt the traditions of the British Parliament so that New Zealand's Parliament would be invested with great dignity.
One of the early issues parliamentarians discussed was pay for MPs, and one of the biggest difficulties MPs faced in the early years was travelling to Parliament.