Use the topics in the Disasters category of for the following activity ideas.
Having examined what happened and why you can now explore the issue of whether some factors played a greater role in this tragedy than others. This helps students to develop the ability to distinguish between primary and secondary causes. This activity is important as a foundation to a more in-depth examination of cause and effect as explored in other activities included in 'The Classroom'.
- With a younger class you could brainstorm the causes of this event together as a class or in groups.
- Older groups have to come up with these causes based on their own reading and research.
- The students now rank each cause from ‘3- most important cause’ to ‘1- least important cause’. They have to be prepared to explain why they gave each cause that particular score.
- This can be done individually, in pairs or groups.
- The whole class can then debate these results and see if a consensus can be reached.
- At senior levels these outcomes could be used to set up a formal class debate.