Centennial - growth of New Zealand identity

Page 4 – Letter to the editor - 1940 Centennial

Letter to the editor

Use the feature The 1940 Centennial and your own knowledge and ideas to help you complete the following activity.

Not everyone agreed with the idea of the celebrations. Here is your opportunity to consider some of the arguments against the commemorations.

In a letter of no more than 200 words, outline your reasons for opposing the centenary celebrations of 1940. Your opposition should focus on what you believe to be two main reasons for the centenary celebrations not to be held.

Class debate or editorial

Using the reasons for continuing with the centenary celebrations, discussed in the Cabinet paper and the letter to the editor activities, organise a class debate on the 1940 Centennial under the heading of '1940 – a celebration of what?'. Normal debating procedures and rules should be applied.

Alternatively, individual responses to the question '1940 – a celebration of what?' could be written as an editorial to appear in a daily newspaper of the time.

How to cite this page

' Letter to the editor - 1940 Centennial', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/classroom/ncea-level-2-history/letter-to-the-editor, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 4-Aug-2014