General Resources

A note on New Zealand Official Death Tolls

The Roll of Honour figure for the First World War (18,051) is for those who died between 4 August 1914 and 31 August 1921; the corresponding figure for the Second World War (11,928) is for those who died between 3 September 1939 and 31 December 1947.  The cut-off date for the First World War is the date on which the Order in Council declared the war ended.  The official cut-off date for the Second World War Roll of Honour was established by the Commonwealth member governments agreeing a date that was approximately the same period after the Armistice was signed with Germany as had been allowed after the First World War. These figures and all other casualty statistics were produced after the wars.  Owing to conditions at the time, there were inevitable inaccuracies in the official reports.  Researchers would be advised to use statistics produced by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, rather than those contained in the New Zealand Parliamentary Reports of the time.  However, it should be noted by researchers that all statistics are related to their respective date boundaries.

How to cite this page: ' Military links', URL:, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 11-Mar-2011