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Ann Phillips

Signed family name
Signed given name
Given address
Dome Valley
Sheet number
Dome Valley
Auckland region

Biography contributed by Bernadette Siebert

Ann Phillips was the wife of Isaac Phillips. The ship Whirlwind arrived in Auckland on 16 July 1859 from London. Among its passengers were Joseph and Esther Phillips, Charles and Elizabeth Phillips, and Robert Phillips. The men were brothers and some of the sons of Mark and Elizabeth nee Langton of Theddlethorpe, Lincolnshire, England. They were followed in later years by brothers Isaac and Ann Phillips who arrived in 1861 via Melbourne and finally by Horby and Elizabeth Phillips in 1883. After their arrival the Phillips brothers went to work clearing bush in the Dome Valley, north of Auckland. Soon they were settled on their own land in an area of the Dome Valley called Phillipsville, and later to be known as Streamlands.

Isaac Phillips was born in 1836 in Theddlethorpe, Lincolnshire, the seventh child of Mark and Elizabeth. He married in 1857 in Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire to Ann COULAM.  They had two children in England they brought out to Melbourne, Australia in 1861 aboard the Donald Mckay, and then on to NZ.

  • Elizabeth Ann (1857-1927)
  • George (1860- 1935)
  • A further eight children were born in NZ.
  • Mark (1862- 1950)
  • Frances (1864- 1941)
  • Samuel Coulem (1867- 1956)
  • Henry (1869- died 8days old)
  • Mary Jane (1873- 1931)
  • Grace (1870- 1942)
  • Herbert Isaac (1875- 1937)
  • Bertha Eliza Winnifred (1880- 1956)

Isaac and Ann lived most of their lives in the hills west of the Dome Valley where Isaac farmed. Later nearer the school on a farm called ‘Mount Pleasant’. The Phillips regularly took the prizes at the local agricultural shows. In 1876 at the Mahurangi Show, Isaac took second place with his bull under two years and won a pound, and a first for the best three fat sheep and won another pound.

Ann died 3 August 1914 aged 78 years. She had an obituary marking her passing, which in part, read,  'Coming to NZ with her husband over fifty years ago she endured all the hardships of a pioneer settler’s wife. At that time there were only bush tracks, horses were few and vehicles unknown...She was a good mother and a helpful wife. To her husband in his loneliness, and to her family we extend our sympathy.'

Isaac died three months later in November aged 78 years.  The local newspaper reported that he 'took an interest in public affairs and was on the Road Boards and School Committees. About ten years ago he handed his farm over to his youngest son Herbert, ... and came to reside in Warkworth.'

He was also buried in the Warkworth Anglican Cemetery. He described himself as a gentleman on his will and named the executors his sons Samuel and Herbert, both farmers of Streamlands. He instructed everything to be sold and shared equally between his children. His estate was valued at over £2000.

Ann is the mother of Mary Jane Phillips  #379 on the petition.


NZ Historical BDM

Archway National Archives 

Daily Southern Cross 26 Feb 1876

Rodney & Otamatea Times 19 Aug 1914

Rodney & Otamatea Times 25 Nov 1914

The Farm at Black Hills by Beverley Forrester (pub 2015)

Click on sheet number to see the 1893 petition sheet this signature appeared on. Digital copies of the sheets supplied by Archives New Zealand.