‘God defend New Zealand’ rapidly gained popular recognition. Premier Richard Seddon even presented a copy to Queen Victoria at her diamond jubilee. However, having relinquished the copyright of the poem to Woods, Bracken was unable to recover from financial difficulties and died penniless in 1898.
The National Centennial Council recommended in December 1938 that the government adopt ‘God defend New Zealand’ as the national hymn. In 1940 the government purchased of the rights to Bracken's words and Woods's music, and the work was given equal status with ‘God save the Queen’ as a national anthem in 1977.
Adapted by Matthew Tonks from the DNZB biography by W.S. Broughton
How to cite this page
'Thomas Bracken', URL: http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/people/thomas-bracken, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated 5-Jan-2015
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