The Daily Grind: Wellington Café Culture
OVERVIEW: 19201950
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�A continental touch�:
international and national influences on the development of coffee houses
in Wellington from the 1940s to the present day
By Nancy Swarbrick
Global trends
The rise of coffee houses in the 1940s, 50s and 60s was not a phenomenon
confined to Wellington, or indeed to New Zealand. While such establishments
were an innovation in New Zealand, places where they already existed,
such as the United States and Britain, suddenly experienced a proliferation.
The primary reason seems to have been the impact of global war on food
consumption. Food scholars agree that war, and the subsequent crumbling
of colonial empires, led to world-wide waves of immigration which broke
down the boundaries of national cuisines. Additional reasons include post-war
recovery, the rise of youth culture, and increasing affluence and leisure.
A more specific influence may have been the invention in 1946 by Achille
Gaggia of a reliable espresso machine.
The decline of coffee houses in the late 1960s and 1970s seems also to
have occurred in countries other than New Zealand. In Britain this was
attributed to �a ruinous combination of urban economics and social agoraphobia�;
in Vienna the popularity of bars led to a brief lean period. But in the
1980s and 1990s coffee bars made a comeback. While the café may
never have entirely disappeared, in some countries (New Zealand included)
the resurgence was particularly noticeable. Reasons include the increase
in international travel, the breaking down of communication and trade
barriers, and the impact of global fashions.
European immigrants
In New Zealand, national trends and events also contributed to the rise,
decline, and eventual return of the coffee bar. Perhaps the most important
was immigration before and after the Second World War. From 1936 a small
number of European refugees began arriving in New Zealand. They were dismayed
at the absence of cafés, and when establishments such as Wellington�s
French Maid opened in the 1940s, refugees tended to gather there. In other
places, refugees set up their own cafés: for example in Hamilton
in the late 1930s Kurt Phillips, a German Jew from Cologne, started the
Vienna coffee house.
The American influence
Another early influence was the stationing of American troops in Auckland
and Wellington from 1942. While special service clubs catered for these
soldiers� cravings for familiar foods, local outlets also emerged to serve
the need. In Wellington, coffee shops and milk bars are said to have sprung
up along Willis Street and Lambton Quay, while in Auckland places such
as Somervells Milk and Coffee Bar were established in response to the
American demand.
Changes in New Zealand society
The novelty of these new cafés was more generally appealing. It
has been suggested that New Zealanders were by this time more open to
trying other types of food and drink, partly because of the rise of a
local-born population and the weakening of links with the British food
tradition. Moreover New Zealand writers, musicians, artists and scholars�as
well as the educated middle classes�welcomed European immigrants and the
culture they brought with them. The pervasiveness of American films and
fashions may also have encouraged young people to adopt American customs.
Post-war immigration and travel
Post-war immigration brought more European migrants to New Zealand, keen
to recreate the ambience of the café in their new land. Assisted
immigration from the Netherlands ensured that the Dutch were influential
from the 1950s. However, it appears that they were just participating
in a national movement, influenced by the overseas boom in coffee houses.
Auckland, like Wellington, experienced a sudden upsurge in cafés
in the late 1950s and they appeared even in smaller towns. Increased travel
among younger people, particularly young women, seems to have been significant.
New Zealand�s liquor laws
New Zealand�s antiquated liquor laws, which prohibited the sale of alcohol
in restaurants and limited hotel hours to 9 am to 6 pm, contributed to
the popularity of coffee houses in the 1950s. Many cafés stayed
open until late�often the early hours of the morning. They filled a growing
need for night-time entertainment. Women, effectively excluded from drinking
alcohol in public except in the lounge bars of hotels until the 1970s,
may well have found coffee bars a more congenial place to socialise. They
often served good food, as the forerunners of licensed restaurants, and
sometimes openly challenged the liquor laws by allowing patrons to smuggle
in bottles of wine. Futile police raids gained them favourable publicity
and in 1960 licensing laws were changed to allow restaurants to serve
wine with food. However, the �six o�clock swill� remained in force until
1967, ensuring that cafés continued to perform a vital social role
as places of evening entertainment.
The decline of coffee houses
The decline of coffee houses in the late sixties can also be attributed
to national events. The change in the liquor laws in 1967 to allow hotels
to remain open until 10 pm provided the public with another form of nightlife.
The growing importance of processed foods, including instant coffee, in
the diet of New Zealanders from the mid 1960s, could have been another
factor. It has also been suggested that as a result of import restrictions
after the �black budget� of 1958, it was no longer possible to import
espresso machines or spare parts for them. Finally, the rise of television
may have made home entertainment more attractive.
The return of the café in the eighties and nineties perhaps owes
more to international than to national trends, although it has been suggested
that deregulation and the growth of business enterprises, a more pluralistic
society, and the increase in numbers of New Zealanders travelling overseas
have all contributed. More restrictive drink/drive laws may also have
played a part, making cafés safer and more attractive venues for
socialising than pubs.
Is the Wellington café scene unique?
Given the importance of both national and international influences, what
was unique about the Wellington café scene? It appears that national
trends were reflected in Wellington and it would be rash to claim that
it was significantly different in its essentials. However, some local
features, including climate and geography, the city�s status as centre
of government and major port, patronage from the large student and arts
communities, and the eccentric personalities of some of the owners and
habitués, have helped to shape Wellington�s café culture.
While there have been some modifications, it can be suggested that many
of the functions of the modern Wellington café are the same as
those of its predecessors both in Wellington and elsewhere. Wellington�s
café society fits into a wider pattern, where developments on both
the national and international scene have been crucial.
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