West Eyreton war memorial

West Eyreton memorial showing names. The memorial is at the intersection of North Eyre Road, Earlys Road and Downs Road, in front of the West Eyreton Hall.

The memorial was unveiled by the Prime Minister Rt. Hon. W.F. Massey on 4 June 1922. It was damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes of 2010-11 and had to be pulled down. It was then re-erected and unveiled at a re-dedication on Anzac Day 2015 (see community contribution below).

Site Style Ornamentation Unveiling Date No of Dead
Near public
Arch    4-Jun-1922 2 (ww1)

Community contributions

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What do you know?

Bernard Kingsbu...

Posted: 21 Jul 2015

Following the Canterbury earthquakes the West Eyreton Memorial Archway and gates were damaged and then they were completely dismantled. They have now been rebuilt using the old materials and plaques and they were rededicated on Anzac Day 2015. Two plaques have been put on the memorial. One records its rededication and the other is in memory of a local Boer War soldier, William Smith of the 7th Contingent who died in 1901 and is buried in South Africa.